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Penises--big or small or somewhere in the middle?


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You knew this was coming.. I hear all the time in the media and from women, "size doesn't matter," but every guy believes it does and that this is just something women say to make the "smaller" guy feel better about himself. (Why else are there so many "male enhancement" products out there? Do they work? Has anyone out there used them?) How big is too big and how small is too small? Girls, whaddaya think?

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Hi Randy!


How are you! (I haven't had the chance to stop by at the library, if ya know what I mean!)

Okay, to answer your question, I think that it's kinda similar as to how men's preference goes for women, in terms of breast size. I mean, no offense to ladies, who are not as well-endowed, and to men as well, but I think that size helps to stimulate thoughts! Meaning, just like men, when women see that a man is well-endowed, she feels a little more turned on, than if she were to see a man with a pencil size. Just like men. I think that they are naturally more attracted to women, with at least, a "B", or a "C" cup. Again, I don't want to put other women down, but I don't think that the 'training bra' size will look as appealing. I mean, sure, Twiggy, that super-model, didn't have the biggest boobs. She took pride in being flat-chested, but that didn't prevent her from making it to the modeling industry! That's what she became famous for.


My word of advice is to not worry sooo much. I think that it's the way that a guy works it, more so than the size. Just like that one Salt N' Pepper song, even if the guy has it (well-endowed), it does not mean that he's automatically all that, performance wise. I don't know. Just my two cents worth! As long as it's not the size of a belly-button, I think that it wouldn't be an issue for women.


About the penis-enhancement, I don't know much about it. I mean, if they started doing plastic surgery for male enhancements, I would feel at odd about it. Hope that Helps!


Take Care!


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I wasn't asking for myself, really...doesn't every guy say that?! (I think I'm "average," but no one wants to be merely average, do they?) The disadvantage women have, I think, is that they never really "know" until it's, uhh, too late, whereas a guy can sorta kinda tell, know what I mean? It's embarrassing to talk like this as if size really mattered, but in one sense we are just animals and respond to sexual characteristics as instinctively as rhinos, rats and rhesus monkeys do. (If you'll pardon the comparison.) Thank God for personality, though!



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Randy, average isn't a bad thing...In fact, if a guy's too big, I think that it wouldn't make it any better on the woman, ya know? It could be a setback to their 'experience.' So, average is better than being 'small'. And, I must agree, personality counts! If the guy's hot, and has a bad attitude, then it's not going to do him any good either. I think that a guy's personality is what makes him more sexy, than just his looks. It's just the wrapping on the present, or the icing on the cake!


If a guy has a good personality, and is confident, that's more of a turn on than a guy, who's well-endowed, who struts around, and acts like he's God.

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Dear randy


All shapes and sizes are fine. 90% of the stimulation for a woman comes from the emotional content of love making.

Also the cltoris is on the outside so what is inside isnt as important.

As long as a man has enough to make an entrance as it were, and is reasonably capable there should be no problem with size.

One of the best lovers I ever had was really quite small but it made no difference to the end result.


PS Clean is good.

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Well apparently the average erect size is about just under 6 inches.


Now the nerves of the vagina only go in about 3 inches so u could say n e more is wasted


I think as long as your above 4" (no offense to anyone who is smaller) then girls will b happy enough, altho of course, som girls r going to b interested in a bigger guy, like some guys r interested in big breasted women.


Of course, more woman need to come forward and say what they consider and alrite size really.


Its what its connected to is more important.

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i've heard many different reports of the average penis length... varying from 5.5 to 6.5...


i'd also heard that width is more important than length usually. also some females get too intimidated by large penises. maybe size does matter, but maybe bigger is not nessesarily better...

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That's one of the mixed messages guys get from the media and advertising. Lots of women say "size doesn't matter" but would women go to see the Chippendale boys if they were a little on the..small side? Afterall, we don't go to the zoo to see miniature elephants and short giraffes. I'm going to go off on a rant eventually about Hollywood and advertising and the role models we are given, but not now. Thanks for your messages, guys.


The question about penis size applies to muscle size as well. I've joined a health club to work on my abs and pecs and biceps because I am slender and you never ever hear women say they like a nice thin guy!

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Yep, women usually do find in-shape men attractive, but just don't bulk up too much. Ever see some of those guys in the bodybuilding magazines? Veins popping out EVERYWHERE!


I know this is a bit off-topic, but here's a tip for you:


Biceps, abs, and pecs are good things to work on, but you should also try working your triceps as well. When I first started working out, my arms were pretty thin. In addition to the other muscles you've mentioned, I've been working alot on my tri's and now my arms look much bigger and more defined. While a nice set of biceps look great when flexed, the tri's are what REALLY stands out when your arms simply hanging at your sides.

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Yep, women usually do find in-shape men attractive, but just don't bulk up too much. Ever see some of those guys in the bodybuilding magazines? Veins popping out EVERYWHERE!


I know this is a bit off-topic, but here's a tip for you:


Biceps, abs, and pecs are good things to work on, but you should also try working your triceps as well. When I first started working out, my arms were pretty thin. In addition to the other muscles you've mentioned, I've been working alot on my tri's and now my arms look much bigger and more defined. While a nice set of biceps look great when flexed, the tri's are what REALLY stands out when your arms simply hanging at your sides.


do you have any tips on how to work out the lower abs? i wanna get a 6 pack, but my bottom two don't show as much, so in effect i just have a 4 pack with 2 half empty cans dangling at the end.

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Well, I myself am trying to get rid of those 2 empty cans at the bottom.

Recently I started holding a 10 lb weight as I do my situps on an incline bench. My stomach feels ripped afterwards. Also, adjust the bench to different positions as each one works a different part of the abs.


Another tip to getting a 6-pack is to seriously cut back on dairy products for awhile. Dairy seems to have a tendency to go right to your stomach. The same goes for beer and fast food.

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I LIVE on fastfood. I hope there's another way. I used to lie on the floor, anchor my hands on something and lift my legs and pull them back to get a larger range of motion. Does that do the same thing as changing the incline of the bench? So how does it work? increasing the incline of the bench means you're working on your lower abs or upper?


You're right about the triceps, Tom. At least that's the muscle group I don't mind working. The shoulders are tough. I started working out about 6 weeks ago and go to the gym about 3x a week and I've already gained about 7 pounds because I started eating more, but the diet is still the toughest thing for me.



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Well, I myself am trying to get rid of those 2 empty cans at the bottom.

Recently I started holding a 10 lb weight as I do my situps on an incline bench. My stomach feels ripped afterwards. Also, adjust the bench to different positions as each one works a different part of the abs.


Another tip to getting a 6-pack is to seriously cut back on dairy products for awhile. Dairy seems to have a tendency to go right to your stomach. The same goes for beer and fast food.


argh. i drink lots of milk. i guess i'll try to cut back a bit (must find another source of calcium).


btw what kind of work outs exercise the triceps, and which ones exercise the biceps?

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I don't know if this is off topic or what, but is having a 6 1/2 inch wang at 15 years old odd?


If my friends are for some reason talking about it and I say what I am, they all think Im making it up.


nah it's not odd. your friends are just being immature 15 year olds heh

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asdf, I myself drink lots of milk as well. That's why I switched from 2% to skim. When I first started drinking it, it tastes like water, but I've developed a taste for it.


Simple dumbell curls will give your biceps a workout. I personally don't work much with freeweights. As far as triceps go, I don't remember the name of the excercises, but you should pick up a copy of Muscle And Fitness or Men's Health magazine. That's where I've found some of the excercises I put in my routine.


RandyB you shouldn't have to give up fast food completely. Try cutting back to maybe just once a week. That's what I do. I know for a fact that I'd be pretty depressed if I could never eat McDonald's french fries ever again, lol

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i don't think i can cut back on dairy. i'm just too reliant on milk and cheese and eggs... ah well, i'm quite thin anyway...


think you could describe the exercises? i'll take a look on the web anyway


i'm lucky enough to detest most fast food



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Believe it or not, thin guys can develop big "beer" guts...from dairy if Tom Bombadil is right, so I'm going to concentrate harder on abs than I have before. Some leg exercises can work on your abs too, especially leg curls and knee extensions because you have to work your abs to stay in position to lift the weight, but I guess there's nothing like stomach crunches.

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