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On The Edge


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By the way. I did write this.


Please no-one use it.


On the edge


Standing on the edge

Holding onto hopes

Losing half my mind

Don't know where to go


Been here before

In many past lives

Standing on this edge

But still don't know why


Dreams of fulfilment

Hopes of long lost love

Mares of losing what I have

All of which I'm sick of


Long time I've been without

Short time I've had with

Time itself a blessing

Time never ending a myth


The hopes I hold on to

I Held on to for a while

Years could pass unrealised

And so could many a smile


So my call out now is dire

As I'm standing on the edge

So now I'm going to hand to you

My last and final pledge


I ask you to forget me

And everything I have done

For what I have done previously

Remember it as none


I'm standing on a cliff

I long for a death unknown

Off this very Edge


I hope that no-one intervenes

As self-righteous as can be

I know when I hit the floor

I can finally be free


Get rid of all your demons

For they will hold you back

When I did it was much to late

Then everything seemed black


Seemed maybe is not the word

Turned is a better fit

I know life is colourful

But can fade and decide to quit


So my final plea is to you

To keep the colour in your eyes

for your eyes are what you see with

And your heart and brain are the wise.


By Stephanie Gliddon ©


Please reply.. it tells more of a story in poem form.

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