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i need to kno if he likes me or is he just flirtin?

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last school year i had a major crush on this guy named matt. i had him in 4 of my classes and we flirted alot. well one day he sends a note askin me to be his g/f and i said yes. so he sent a another note sayin well can we hold hands, hug, and make out in the hall ways.( i am old fashoined) and i replied back we can hold hands, and hug in the hall ways but give it a week for me to get to kno u better to make out in the hall ways. and he was like oh ok. and he is very popular and i am popular by a assocaition so he showed his friends the note and everytime i saw his friends they would make fun of me and i thought matt was makein them say that or sumthin so i cut it off b/c i thought he was the one starting it all and when i told him that was the reason i broke up with him he said that he didn't do it and wanted to ask me back out then i told a lie and siad well i all ready have a b/f and i crushed his heart. then summer comes then the next school year begins and i have matt in 3 of my classes and i have a major crush on him like never before so we flirted a whole lot the first semester then the next semester comes aorund and my friends were getting tired of hearin me talk about him and they went up to matt and asked him out for me and he said well i liked her at the end of last school year but things change over the summer and i was like ok then the next nine weeks rolls around and we flirt like never b-4 and i want to kno does he like me or is he just flirtin around?



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He likes the attention you give him. He knows that if he flirts with you then you will flirt back. Try this to find out how he really feels....IGNORE HIM. Don't flirt. Don't be COMPLETELY rude. I mean if he says "hi" to you one day, be polite and say "hello" back to him. Don't go out of your way to see him, talk to him, bump into him, etc. Act like he's just another guy. I used to try it for about a week or so, you can use your own judgement, no less than a few days though. If he really likes you he'll notice the change and he won't like it. Chances are then he'll get scared that maybe you don't like him anymore and then he'll probably confront you about it. If he DOESN'T notice...he doesn't care and you should just forget him and move on. I know how crushes are and I know that sometimes it really hurts when you're not getting the attention you want from that person, but trust me, there will be others. He's not the only guy out there. GOOD LUCK!



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I think it's cruel for a guy to play with a girl's heart. This isn't cruel at all. She's not in a relationship with him. She's backing off from the flirting to see what kind of reaction she gets. If he really likes her maybe he'll straighten up his act, quit playing games, and tell her. It's unfair to her for him to string her along like that.


I'm not at all being against guys though. Girls do this kind of thing too. But in this case it IS the guy.

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