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Why do women play with our heads?

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Apologese in advance for the long 'essay', but I appreciate you reading it.

A few months ago a girl I really liked asked me out. Becasue she is good friends with one of my housemates, I had to say no. She accepted this, and found someone else. Now, a few months down the line I got drunk and text her, basically telling her how I felt about her. This is after she sent me random texts throughout the few months asking how I was etc. She told me off, said had her b/f seen the texts it would be over between them, and said we were just friends. I accpeted this, but she still texts me asking how I am etc. This is not normal 'friend' behaviour, you don't text your friends asking how their weekend was. The other night she obviously got drunk and text me telling me she had to be honest, and that although she has a b/f she still has strong feelings for me and asked me out for a drink. What do I do? I told her I will not be a consulation prize if her current relatrionship is failing, but I don't think it is. She told me later the truth comes out when your drunk, and to a degree I agree with this. Basically, I don't know what to do. It seems she likes me, and I want nothing more than to be with her, but i really have no idea what to do. I don't want her to cheat on her b/f with me, that is a horrible thing to do, but at the same time she is thinking of me and it is driving me mad cus there is nothing I can do about it. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

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This girl obviously likes you, and who knows what the state of her current relationship is. I think you're doing the right thing by being hesitant. I really think you should tell her 'Hey, I like you too, but I don't want to get involved with you if you're still with your boyfriend'. Tell her she needs to sort out her own feelings first, and that she should get back to you if and when she has done this.


Please don't let yourself become a victim of someone who wants to have their cake and eat it too, so to speak. You'll end up getting hurt. Even if you really like her, resist the temptation, at least until she's single again

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So you think I should get in touch with her' date=' tell her to sort out her own feelings and get back to me if she still wants something? Would you advise i remain aloof? I really value your female opinion, thanks[/quote']


Yes, exactly! Be honest with her, and hopefully she'll be honest with you. And yes - I would remain aloof: don't let her think you're weak and that she can carry on messaging you whenever she's drunk and feels like it. Let her know you're not prepared for any non-sense, and that she has to sort out her feelings first. Don't let her walk over you.


Your profile says you're 29 - so I assume she's roughly of a similar age. An adult woman of that age should be mature enough to understand what you're trying to say to her

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