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hello every1!


Im Anne.. Ive been with this boy for abt 10mnths now but knew eachother for like 4yrs....when we were friends things didnt matter.. but off recently.. hes just making an argument outta everything. Even if there isnt anything to argue about, he will brng something back in the past. He came to my house two months ago to hang out.. he opened my computer and saw all my photos which i found a little strange at first but since i didnt have much to hide i was its okie...he found his way through all my photos and there was a photo of my friends boyfriend..He didnt say anything at that point. But recently started accusing me of being obsessed with that guy,staring at half naked men. He pretty much gave me the cheap talk. I havent done anything wrong! he doesnt believe me and he keeps saying he trusts me and that im hurting him by saving other mens photos... im just sick of tearing and being annoyed... i love him very dearly but im confused with his behaviour.. what should i do??..

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Well, I guess it wouldn't do you any good to show him he photos of the fully naked men then. (sorry, my humor doesn't suit everyone)


If he finds your photo collection unacceptable and you don't like the way he's treating you then you need to let him go unleash his overbearing jealousies on someone else.

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He sounds like he jumps to conclusions without any solid evidence. A bad sign if you are considering being serious with him. If you are really serious with him, delete those photos in front of him and show him that you care about his feelings. If not his resentment and jealousy will build and it will not be pretty.

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