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Tell me how 2 die no how 2 live

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i think a lot of people feel the same way too.. i feel the same way too.. but what keeps me from killing myself is my parents, family and friends.. think about how your parents will feel when you do kill yourself... think about how everyone else will feel... how everyone that knows you.. found out you will never going to be here... that's a very painful experience... especially for your parents...


i am saying this because i lost a cousin.. not because he killed himself because he got into an accident... and it is very painful for everyone.. especially for his dad.. and up til now we still miss him very much... and it's not a good experience to go through...

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I know how you feel. Somedays, I wish it could very well end. I hate my thoughts. I hate the pain. And I hate the memories. I wish this saddness can just all go away. I'm tired of it. Oh well, but that's just life. We will all have our ups and our downs. I feel like I've had too many downers at this point. I wish that there was a definite answer as to what happens after death. I really do. God I wish I was with my dad right now. I'd rather be there than here! I'm in the same boat buddy. At least, I know that I'm not the only one who feels this way.

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id say take a look at ''how to kill myself painlessly'' or something along those lines, its under this section of the forum and you tend to get the views and actually a pretty good answer as to how to do it in there, even if i was to know the answer to your question my conscience would stop me from telling you, sorry.


but the world is ***** sometimes. but i guess thats how it comes you know?



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its bc of my family y iam like this they hit me and put me down all the time i dont really have friends exepct for those online and i play videogaems 2 escape reality iam only 15 but still i kept thinking no1 cares about me the school and police dont really help me at all they just say ok we will do sumthing and i get hit at school alot no1 cares they all want me 2 go away as well..if they want me 2 go i will b glad 2 go away and kill myself sum1 plez just tell me how 2 die iam thinking about drowing myself...but that might take 2 long...

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I guess at this minute in time you feel as if your not wanted by anyone and anyone that you are wanted or felt for by are the ones on line, I know that's not going to help out with the whole self esteem and I'm not going to respond with get out their and make friends because sometimes it just doesn't work like that, maybe if you weren't so dependant upon games, weren't so ready to die or put yourself in positions that arent so positive then it would help you out, it seems like state of mind and others opinions of you are taken heavily to count with the way you feel.

Your family obviously arent too supportive, is there not one member that is trustworthy or something? I mean everyone depends on someone, who is that for you? or is there no one? I know how it feels to feel alone, but never to the extend that I would prefer to be alone or maybe kill myself because its preferred by others. I guess our intentions are different but I live to prove things against others who make me feel negative, arent you empowered enough to do that?


Anyway ive swayed of my reason for responding. I just wanted to say that drowning is far from painless. If you don't have the reflex to pull yourself out of the water when you cant breath then you will continue to be in pain. But anyway that's all I wanted to say.


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Hi DragonSlayerX!


Please don't be sooo hard on yourself. I don't know about what other people feel, but from what I see, you are just a young boy, with a great heart! You are! Don't let them change you! I know how it feels to be phsyically abused! I've been through a lot of ish in my life too! Trust me. If people are hitting you, like family members, or other strangers, or whatever, don't let them get you down! Build up your tolerance and endurance. You need to make a fist, and show them your might. DragonSlayerX, please do something about yourself okay?! Fight your way back, by showing them that they are wrong! Show them that you are better than that! The best way for you to fight back, is to roll your sleeves, make a fist, and do it through EDUCATION! I promise you! That's what keeps me going in life, is by learning new things! There are soooo many things out there that life has to offer, besides physical violence, beatings, and other forms of domestic abuse! You are better than that. I know that sick, cloudy feeling that you are going through. So, show them your might. Prove your family wrong, and prove your abusers wrong!





P.S.- Please don't let their mental-put-downs bring you down! I am so sorry, and you do not deserve this! So remember, only education, and self-healing, will lead you to spiritual healing. Talk to one of your close friends about this okay?! Don't let it eat you up inside! You are stronger than that! I have faith in you!

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its bc of my family y iam like this they hit me and put me down all the time i dont really have friends exepct for those online and i play videogaems 2 escape reality iam only 15 but still i kept thinking no1 cares about me the school and police dont really help me at all they just say ok we will do sumthing and i get hit at school alot no1 cares they all want me 2 go away as well..if they want me 2 go i will b glad 2 go away and kill myself sum1 plez just tell me how 2 die iam thinking about drowing myself...but that might take 2 long...


forgive them all forgive yourself


do you guys just love being depressed so you can have those wonderful manic moments. or what?


your ego or outerself is your past and how you see it



never give up never surrender


in your moment of decission your world is shaped. antony robins


man is not the creature of circumstanse, circumstance is the creature of man. ben franklin


the father of creation is thought


discover why you are up set

ask questions

create solutions.


life is a rollercoaster and you want to quit while youare still in line!


nouthing is the universe limits us except our diffinition of our self.



healing powers are forever in operation, requiring only our awareness of them, and consent to them, and connection with them.


only when i am true to my self can i be true to anyone else


to arrive at that which we know not, we must travel by a way which we know not. jhon of the cross


one more



We either make ourselves misserable or we make our selfs strong. the amount of work is the same"don juan matus


missery exist only in the minds of it creator

all weaknesses, ills, and imp0erfections that we perceive are self created.










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Sweetie, DragonSlayerX, 'violence' is not the key. Education is. Look at W.E.B. DuBoi! There are lots of ways that you can fight back with your anger. Don't do it through your fist! Do it through your knowledge! Empower your mind! You are a strong, young boy! I know how you feel, and I am sorry. I've been into 1 fight in my life. It's because when I moved down to my new-local, in Jr. High, this girl provoked racist remarks. I'm not saying that your incident is the same case. I don't like to talk about what she said, but she kept on insisting on insulting me. So, I did what you did. I beat her up, but fortunately, the teacher sent her to detention, and gave her a suspension. I think that she caught onto the fact that the girl was a racist, and made pretty mean slurs. I guess she was 'Miss' Popular wannabe! But, DragonSlayerX, don't let them get you down! Do not let ANYONE get you down! Your mind is the key! Your knowledge is far more important than 'ignorant' bullies! If I knew you in school, I would definitely stick up for you! Although I am shy, I would do that to anyone who's nice, and gets picked on! I do not have tolerance for others, who pick on people. But that's just me. I'm stubborn like that. Now that I reflect on the things that happened in the past, I find that my ultimate answer to life is 'knowledge.' The knowledge that you retain, will carrry you on further in life. It's key to opening your mind, and grasping the more important, and promising things in life.


All of the knowledge is out there for you! It's all laid out on the table, and is ready for you to grasp at anytime. You know, just think about it, do those bullies have any other better things to do with their lives? Sooner or later, they'll be the delinquints of society, in which you don't want to be. By reading what you have to say, I see a lot of potential in you. Only you instill your knowledge. Only you can either make or 'break' your future. So, ask yourself, is your future in the hands of some kniving kids, who provoke such hate, or is your future in the hands of gaining 'truth' in life? Meaning, are you going to stoop to their level? Or are you willing to better yourself, by actually pursuing things that make you happy in life? Think about it. How little can people be? How much of a 'mindset' is that?It's NOT the way to go. There are far better things in life! Far more people to enjoy!


And if your family is putting you down, hitting you, and/or making remarks at you, fight back! Not physically, not vocally, but mentally. You are stronger than that! I'd hate to see a nice kid like you, let others get you down. I've seen some nice 'boys' grow up to be delinquints, because why? They try to 'act' hard. They try to be someone who 'they're not'! And these are NICE boys. What did the choose to do? They throw their lives away. They chose to stunt personal growth, and seek a life of gang-banging! And what happened? One of my friends got shot! At what age? 14! He died!


Honey, so take a good luck at yourself, and make yourself proud! That's not the way to go. Expand your mind. Expand your knowledge. Education is the key to a promising life. Not violence! Stay strong. And please take my original advice into consideration, because I don't want to see a 'nice' kid like you, fall into a life of B.S. You Do Not want to be a statistic! My heart goes out to you. Please be good to yourself!


Stay Strong!



P.S.- More importantly, meet new people. Make new friends. Get to know your peers. I'm sure that there are nice friends out there that can help guide you to be a 'Man,' instead of a 'Wuss.' A wuss to me, is someone who is a crowd pleaser, someone who tries to 'act hard', by picking on others, or 'acting' out in self-defense. Do not act out. Make friends, not enemies. You are better than that!

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iam not really that smart i try 2 study but my parents and ppl dont let me iam failing school bc iam 2 much of a retart and the teachers and alot of the students agree it doesnt really matter iam a retart and iam fat ugly and stupid ppl dont care about anything.


look at what you wrote and realize how all of these negitive thought patterns have lead you to feeling like your thoughts about your self and your world.


change your thoughts you change your world


when a negitive thought comes into your mind counter act it and release it.


use your tennis racket of love


for instanse i fat well are you or do you just think that and if you are do you want to be? if not takes steps to change it. anything of worlth is worth working for and yes you can do it if you set your mind to do it


45 days to ingrain a new habbit


ugly, beauty is in the eye of the beholder


stupid, this is not you it is what fear, doubt , ignorance, and self hate has lead you to believeing the misconception.


thought control will lead you to thinking better thoughts.


love you


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Look, I don't mean to be a nag here, but I still think that you can do something about your situation. It's not the end of the world. Perhaps, your family doesn't hate you the way that you think that do. Perhaps, they have good intentions. However, my instincts told me, that something's definitely not right here! Something about their teaching you, or communicating with you is not right. I guess, I don't know your situation too well, but ultimately my only advice is: YOU CAN CHANGE!


If you look in the mirror and Are NOT happy with who you see

I'd say, take a second look at the person that you see, and tell yourself, I can change. I don't have to accept myself for being fat. I mean, I don't have anything against people who are overweight. In fact, if people are happy being overweight, then much props to them. However, clearly, this is not the case for you. I don't want to be a Dr. Phil, and be really harsh with my words. In fact, I don't even know if oppossite psychology is the best way to treat this subject matter, but feeling sorry for yourself, will not help.


This is how I see it. Sometimes, when people feel sorry for themselves, it's really tough to get their lives together. So, instead of feeling sorry for yourself, be glad to yourself! Challenge yourself! You realize what you need to accomplish right?


About your Intellegence

If you were really that un-intellegent, then you wouldn't be on here, typing about your emotions right? I think that it takes an intellegent person to do so. If you were truly un-intellegent, then I don't think that you would even come to realize anything that's happening to you. In other words, you would shrug it off, and not learn from things, or at least seek out advice. Here goes my nagging again: But, I think that an un-intellegent person is someone who just sits there, in front of their TV, and eats potato chips everyday. Someone who believes everything they see, without ever questioning the world! Someone who is completely oblivous to the context of society, in general.


Honey, if you can operate Video games, then you are intellegent. I mean, it takes hand dexterity, or hand-eye, coordination skills to actually play video games. Okay, granted, videogames might not be the best investment that you can have for yourself right now, but at least, you've come to realize that you have a problem, and you are not happy about it.


I see that you're not happy with:

1. Your appearance.

2. Your current family situation.

3. Your entire self-worth in general.


Somewhere along the line, either your family, or your peers have fed you the wrong words, that basically "wrecked" your own self-mage! I see, and understand where you are getting at. But, just know that all of the problems I listed above can be CORRECTED and CHANGED, but with the CORRECT ATTITUDE AND THE CORRECT MIND.


Let me give you an example. I used to know this fat kid, while growing up. You can tell that he had anguish emotions, especially, when you look at his pictures. When I looked at his pictures, I saw that he was an overweight, emotional, child, who felt 'isolated.' I mean, the face that he put in his pictures showed through. And you know what? You what happened to him? His family pushed him the same way. I don't think they physically abused him, but I do know, his mother was pretty harsh to him with words sometimes. He appeared to exhibit 'anti-social' behaviors, but now: He's not Fat! He's not stupid! He's intellegent! Whitty, has a ton of charisma! A well-rounded guy: knowledgeable. He's into all sorts of things. In a lot of ways, the way that you felt earlier, resembled the child that I saw in him!


LoL! You know what? He's a doctor now! He's a new man! He lost his weight! He's successful! He builds his own toys. What's even funnier is, he still continues to play his PS2 games. Yes, he's a game addict. Who says that kids who are addicted to gaming, are not smart. In fact, I think that they're quite quick! There's nothing wrong with them! There's NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU!


So, do you see where I'm getting at. When I looked at his pictures, I felt like it was the 'impossible.' You can see so much anger, confusiion, and frustrations in his eyes. And yes, he did get picked on by some bullies, while growing up! But, to me, he's a living example of the ugly duckling, who grew up to be an intellegent, educated, HANDSOME, young-man! There is NOTHING CALLED IMPOSSIBLE! YOu must realize this okay!


So my advise is to:

1. Limit your time playing video games.

2. Keep it as your own, personal, 'reward system.' (Besides, you don't want to burn the retina of your eyes by staring at the T.V. monitor. You do not want your eyes to 'degerate' at a young age!)

3. Find other activities, other than video games.

4. Engage in 'physical' sports so that you can focuse your frustrations elsewhere. Meanwhile, you'll be losing weight. I think that you should join the football team, or a soccer league, something with vigorous exercise. Not only will you be able to engrage, get focused on the game, but actually build that 'mental endurance.'

5. By building that mental endurance, you will constructively, correct your own pattern of behavior!


That's how I see it. So, join a sport. It will help you with that mental-training, and correct your attitude from, "I can'ts" to "I will." I'm not a guy, but I think that building that physical endurance, builds mental endurance!


That's all I have to say for now. I can nag all that I want, but it's really up to you to take on that challenge. Please be good to yourself okay?! Feed more positive words about yourself! You have a promising future ahead of yourself! Things can change, and they will, once you are willing to 'actively', do something about it! Good luck! It won't happen over night, but once you make it through, you will gain more confidence, and can look back and be proud of yourself! So, do yourself a favor, alright?!


Much Love to Ya!



P.S.- Just remember this: Only you have the power to 'make or break' your future. I've seen some pretty amazing people, who've witnessed a ton of crap in their life. And through their own 'endurance', they've made a success of themselves, by proving that they can improve. It takes a lot of tensile strenght to do so, but it's not overnight. It's develooped over time. And the pain that you're going through, will only harden your thoughts, and bring you more strength, and will have cause to your actions! Trust me! You WILL MAKE A SUCCESS OF YOUR SORROWS! PLEASE DO THAT FOR YOURSELF! You go boy! You can do it! Nothhing's stopping you! Take on the challenge, and show the world what ya got! You are way better than that! So don't try to be sooo hard on yourself okay?!

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reason the reason i play videogames is bc they are an esc from the world i play them 2 b in my own world away from the rest so i wont b abused or teased anymore i join karate but i almost passed out last time i joined football when i was little they said i was a worthless failure and they never leave me alone about it and last year they hit me in the face with sum mashed potates at school and i got suspened from it they were telling the VP that i was throwing it around at them...

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Honey, DragonSlayerX, I think that a lot of the times, lots of kids, tend to take out their frustrations out on video games as an escape. This might sound off topic, but that's perhaps due to limited, quality time spent with parents! If this is the case for you. If you spend less time with your parents, and they come home and see you in suspension, of course, both you and them are going to be frustrated:


1. On your parent's side: They're not seeing things from their point of view, because they have other worries, such as work and bills. The last thing that they need to see, is that all of their hardwork does not surmount to you 'growing' up into the 'man that they want you to be'! Do you see where I'm getting at? They care for you. (but probably don't know how to express themselves properly, by putting you down, emotionally)


2. On your side You're going through people bashing you consistantly. So, your solution is to resort to things like video games. Honey, that's normal for a lot of kids, who grow up, and are frustrated. It's like, the less time they have with their parents, the more they resort to playing video games! It's just another reality to them, their own cmfort zone.


You know, playing video games is nice and all, but physically, it is not healthy! Think about it! If kids sit there and play video games, what do most of them do afterwards? They eat junk food as well. They eat chips. Sip on sodas. Feed into their weight problems....I know that's not the best, quick n' healty solution, but that's where I see the correllation between childhood obesity!



1. Sit down and have a talk with your parents. Do it in a mature manner.

2. Tell them your situation.

3. Build that bond with them.

4. Realize that you are lucky!

5. Eat healthier.

6. Analyze things more!

7. Use your brain, to invigorate on the possibilities of what you want to become of yourself!

8. Realize that life has sooo much more to offer!


Sweety, the fact that you came here to look for advice, proves to me that you are 'smart.' The very 'incling' of you just comiing here, shows me, that you can think for yourself! My biggest pet peeve, are those who cannot think for themselves! Those who believe in things, because they're just told to! I dislike people who will buy into things so easily. I hate that! However, you sir, you are different! That's why you, are worth my time! If you really bought into what society, your parents, and your peers told you, then YOU WOULDN'T BE HERE ON ENOTALONE IN THE FIRST PLACE! So, yes! You are intellegent! Just the very thought of trying to be heard, is something that an intellegent person does not do! What do they do? They listen to all fo the prejudice, and ignorance that people throw at them by not 'making use' of their time, wisely!


You are truly are lucky! Some people have it worse in life you know? There are children out there, who cannot even play video games. Why?

1. They cannot afford it!

2. They do not have the limbs to support them!

3. They're born, genetically defficient!


You know, there are a ton of kids who suffer out there! One is because they're born with conditions that don't even allow them to ENJOY video games. They don't have the physioloigical strength to do so! They don't have the FINANCES to support them on leisurely time! I've visited countries where children have it worse than MOST kids do in the U.S.! They are VICTIMS to their sufferings that they DO NOT ASK FOR! They are victims of war! Victims of agent orange! Radiation! Bombs! Land mines! War! And most of all, HATE and IGNORANCE! They are crippled honey! They lose their legs, arms, fingers, everything! What's their method of reliance, in life? Some of them cannot even afford crutches to walk on!!!!! They don't even have parents to come home to!!!!!!


They are crippled children, who live crippled lives! And the shelter conditions that they live in, DON'T EVEN ALLOW THEM THE HIGHER EDUCATION!!!!!!!!!!!!! Politcally speaking, they are the VICTIMS of ATROCITY, THAT 'BULLIES' PUT THEM THROUGH!!!!!!!! That's what makes me angry! They're automatically, written off the list of 'self-fulfillment', and 'un-fulfilled' goals!! Evidently, they're automatically denied the 'rights' of living out a successful life! THEY DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE, but to live in the conditions that poverty and their society, offers to them!!!!!!!!! They are the victims of HATE, imposed by the very same bullies, who pick on you, but in other forms of social ignorance, such as WAR! What angers me most is that people DO NOT care! Some people are just out their for themselves! Like the bullies that pick on you! And in other cases, people take for granted of what they have in this country. They look past it, and don't analyze things enough! I don't want to sound harsh, but this includes you and I. We have it soooo lucky!


Here's a site that you can check out: link removed.link removed&imgrefurl=link removed&h=356&w=640&sz=46&tbnid=ysO6vRPNEz8J 75&tbnw=134&prev=/images%3Fq%3D%252Bchildren%2B%252Bagent%2B%252Borange%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26oe%3DUTF-8%26sa%3DG These images may be 'shocking', but this is the sad reality of life for these people, inflicted by bullies, who basically, took away their 'right's' to a better life!....That's their sad reality! My heart goes out to these people. So, you have it lucky sir! I don't want any 'bullies' to get you down! There are better things in life! Believe in yourself okay?!


Do you see where I'm getting at???? There are more people WHO ARE LESS FORTUNATE THAN US! What you have, is a CHOICE! NO ONE CAN STRIP THAT AWAY FROM YOU! Do you hear me? No one! We both have that 'personal freedom'! That's why, in some ways, we are lucky. Yeah! So, exploit your freedom, and expand on your choice, to a better life, by exercising on your own self-confidence! Perhaps by then, when you gain enough of that self-esteem, you can help others in need!


So, realize:

1. You are lucky.

2. You have a choice to fight out of that oppression that your peers put you through!

3. You are granted the ABILITY to to a promising life, promising EDUCATION, a promising career!

4. You have it luckier than some other people.


So what if you have a weight problem, right? So what if people make fun of you, right? So what? Just take on that 'So What' attitude! Because: WHO CARES OF WHAT OTHERS THINK OF YOU! What's important, is what you think about yourself. YOU CAN CHANGE! YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE for yourself!


Do you realize what I'm saying? The fact that you can analyze your own situation, tells me, that you are worth it!!!!!!! You are worth it Mister!!!! You have a 'choice' mister, and your choice is to not let them get to you! Do NOT let them bring you down! Prove them wrong! You are strong! And most importantly, I know, and you know, that you are! So, don't be a statistic, because you are better than that!


Plan out a time-table for yourself okay?! Map out what you want to improve in your life, so that you, can make yourself HAPPY!


Much Love, Sincerely,



P.S.- Do NOT invest your thoughts and energy, onto those who bring you down! Invest wisely! I love this quote from Forrest Gump: "Stupid is, is what Stupid does....!" And you sir, are not stupid! They are! Those who take pride in being bullies, are those who cannot think for themselves! They cannot think 'beyond the box.' They live in IGNORANCE! And, you don't want to be like that!


So, feed less of your energy on them! Feed it on building your dendrites! Improve your life! Embrace your frustrations, and empower your mind through the gift of education! You can do it buddy!


P.S.S.- When you feel down about yourself, think of others who have it worse than you okay?! Don't buy into what others say to you. You know that it's not true! Believe in yourself, because I do!

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i love you son, so rise like the star that you are.


your a physical, spiritual, love, manafestation of gods creation


we are in god and god is in us, so this is what you do

lift your heart to kiss the sky, and then say i love you.


you are so much more then the walls and cloulds will let you see

but the sun shines bright as even when the clouds have cleared.


a world with out you would be a world with out your love

and not near a nice of a place.


thats the truth. straight from the source.

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