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Things have taken a turn for the worst.


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I'm gonna cut straight to the point here. So many things are going poorly in my life at the minute.


I've stopped everything because, I have absolutely no motivation. It's really getting to me that I really can't be bothered to get up and just do stuff. I'm essentially screwing myself over but can't help but do it.


Here's essentially a list of things I've dropped due to lack of motivation:


Work - I don't see the point. I've always hated my job but even though I'm essentially earning no money, I just don't see the pointing of facing it.


Learnings - I need to get fit for a course I have next year but have yet to start (Have about 1 month left to get fit). I was also learning Russian but have dropped it. I am also in the midst of writing a novel, but again, have stopped.


Fitness - I stopped working out 2 months ago and I've seen the changes. Its quite disheartening know what I used to look like compared to now. This is kind of hitting my self confidence too.


My finances - Even though I'm earning a lot less now (I am stilling doing some work), i seem to spend the remainder of my money on crap. I'd like to open some savings, but persist on blowing it on take-outs etc. This also seems to help when it comes to making me feel unhealthy and coupled with no more excercise isn't doing me a great deal of good.


Relationship - I adore my girlfriend and like doing nothing more than seeing her. We've had our ups and downs but we're fine now. However, I have time to do things while she is off at work. I'd normally go see her afterwards, but now I'm blaming her for not being able to do things, which is untrue. Thus, making me an ass.


I've spoken to my friend of 11 years and he's always been THE most motivated person alive. It's rediculous, but he's currently in Scotland seeing his Girlfriend and I don't wish to bring him down by laying my troubles on him.


Anyway, yesterday i did something that would hopefully cheer me up. I've filled in some forms in order to give blood (On the 17th), I figured that if I help other people, I may feel better (Can't hurt to try, right?).


I can normally stick things out for a short period but then it all goes downhill from there. Any tips would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

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I noticed the first post was in reference to your place of employment. Could it be that? I worked somewhere before that I absolutely hated. I wasn't getting anywhere, wasn't earning any money and didn't really feel like my life was taking off to where I wanted it to go. So I found something new and have since been doing that.


You have to eliminate those things in your life that are causing you to feel this way. Usually there's something happening in our lives that's bothering us and what it tends to do is pull the whole ship underneath the water. And it can be the smallest thing that'll do that, too.

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I'm not really sure what is making me feel this way.


I mean, my job is a big part of it, I absolutely despise wroking there. With all my heart and soul, but i stay because my work colleagues are great. My girlfriend has said she'll sit me down and help me look for another job. Which I think would help immensely.


But even when I was at school, i procrastinated alot. ALOT.


But, work does make me unhappy. The pay is awful, hours are completely unsociable, I'm embarrassed i even do it, i get treated like a turd, and the pay leaves much to be desired.

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I see what you mean..I've been there and it's not nice and it does sound like you need to get out of it. I used to be at a job I cried in the mornings before going there..! I felt so much better when I left. A job is a big part of our life and the fact you know you have to get back there the next day is like you can't even enjoy your evening..Do you have an idea of what you'd like to do?

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