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hey guys i really like this guy and i dated him 3 times before but i m very scared he is going to hurt me like he did before.This time is kinda differnt though.He called me today And yesterday he came to my house and we went outside for awhile.But i still don't know if he likes me becuase he started datin me only a few days after his g/f of a few weeks that he liked dumped him.how do u guys see this?i liked this guy for so long and i dated like 5 guys to get over him and almost did but ended up gettin hurt a few times.But nothing like how it hurt when he dumped me 5 months ago.thanks so much for readin this and please help me out.

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Beware the rebound effect. You start dating him now and everything that you too do will be compared to his ex. These rebounds rarely ever work out. My suggestion to you is to give him space. Tell him why and tell him that he needs to heal which in my opinion is about 6 months.



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