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Does she want to go out

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I've been talking to this girl for about 3 months. We talk on the phone and I visit her. We usually talk for about 45 min and I visit for like an hour. I had asked her if we could go out about about a month ago and she said her parents wouldn't let her and I had to visit. I visited the other day and she wasn't home but her dad was. I talked to him and he said that he and her mom liked me and they are hoping that we hook up. But when they talk to her about me and hooking up all she does is giggle and smile. What do i do?

Does she want to hook up with me.

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Yes, the hard part is over.....You have met the parents, think of the movie MEET THE PARENTS.....you had it easy....!! I think she is just shy about taking that next step, you are a friend....that is hard for girls and guys to make that next step.....Take it....!

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