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Recently met a high-profile guy, liked eachother, exchanged numbers, been talking on the phone, and went out on a "date".


our first date was a frikken cruise in his car late at night so we could avoid people!!!!!!


and eversince that stupid drive, i've been putt off completely!! we can't go on a regular date because he's afraid it would get in the news!!!!!


he invited me on a weekend trip on his yacht, but it seemed too early for an intimate date!!!


I really like this guy! and I wanna give it a shot and a half!!!


what can i do to get to know this guy better, WITHOUT hurting his pubic image, and also without having the whole country invade my private life!!




I need some creative idea's!!!



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he's renovating his place, so he's staying at his parents home!!!


its quite big! but they have allot of people working in it!!! and security everywhere!!! if we hang out at his parents place, one of the maids will definitely mention it to his parents! and I AM definitely NOT READY TO MEET HIS PARENTS!!!

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It's William Hung isn't it!...I knew he had a Girl Friend, i just knew it...ok I'm joking with you here, Brad Pitt? just more humor sorry.


why don't you go out on his boat, no one will see you out there, just stay below deck.. why are you so scared to be seen in public any ways, you don't want the attention? it to much...for him or for you both?


i would want that fame, but for only a limited time i think, heck everyone gets there 15 min of fame...right? so i guess you have yours, so why not enjoy it, who cares what others say or think, forget them, pursue this guy, it's obvious he is into you if he wants to take you out on his private boat...God lucky girl you should feel privileged

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Hmm, maybe instead of traditional high class dates, see about using your car or a rental and going for the "cheapie" fun stuff where he wouldn't be expected to be, an evening picnic, walk on the beach or in the park, not sure how old you are but even something like a carnival where you could get lost in the crowd and dress to blend in. Lots of times people see what they expect to see - think of places they'd never anticipate seeing him, and chances are most people will be more like "you look like so-and-so, strong resemblence except for hair/eyes/whatever" and won't look so closely as at say a high profile restaurant or club.

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i didnt see this one suggested yet, but would your place work? cook dinner together, that way you won't have to go to a restaurant with lots of people there & you could get to know each other that way. just find little things to do together until either you are ready to meet his parents or until he gets his own place.

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If I were you, I'd treat him like you would treat anybody else. Just because he has celebrity status, or a high profile, it does not grant him more favorability over anybody else. In fact, he might even like it if you treat him like you would treat your friends, or 'ordinary people,' in general. Far too often, I think that people have a hard time aknowledging the fact that celebrities are humans too! Though they might have more expensive toys, they're still the same underneath it all! They're just as equal as anybody else, despite their 'public image.'


So, you just happened to run into a star! Yay! That's really cool! But what's most important is you! You need to know that you're a gem! So, be yourself, and no one else. Take pride in being unique, and treat him the same. It's your own personality that matters. I think that it's important to ALWAYS be TRUE TO WHO YOU ARE! Otherwise, you'll live in a life of disillusion, thereforeeee, preventing you to find what ultimately, makes you happy!


Good Luck! I hope something progresses for you the two of you! Have fun getting to know him, and his enjoy his expensive toys while your at it! Hehe!





P.S.- About your 'personal privacy,' try not to be nervous. Be yourself. If you're worried, then, continue on keeping your 'low-profile.' However, try not to worry too much, because often, when people do, they become uncomfortable, and thereforeeee, less of themselves! I've been nervous before, and, from personal experience, it's just not fun! So have FUN! AND ENJOY YOURSELF!

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Hi Xena,


Maybe find a secluded restaurant off the beaten track where you could go for a meal. If you wanted you could suggest to him that you both go for a meal somewhere secluded (not a friggin yacht!) where you and he could relax without the thought of media attention. Somewhere out in the country maybe. The more you understand his fear of the media at the start, the more he might ease up in future dates and be less concerned about the publicity but by then you should of got to know each other a bit more.

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