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Air Force so close yet so far!


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I want to join the Air Force so bad as a security forces guard but one minor thing has gotten in the way, the economy is in the dump so everyone is joining up!!!! i talked to my recruiter after completing the ASVAB (79 percentile BTW) and he said the earliest i could ship out is next june! I suppose itll be good to wait 6 months longer than i initially wanted but still im kinda bummed about it. just to be safe ill do the MEPS sometime next month just in case something opens up before then. i am determiend to do it however. hopefully ill be calling Lackland Air Force Base my home by this time next year!

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Well, your temporary home. You'll attend basic training and technical training there. Once your technical training is completed, you'll most likely receive orders to another installation.


Some hints before you actually report for basic training. Start getting into shape now. Go jogging and running. Get your stamina up.


Pack light when you head off to basic. Just take a change of clothes and a few necessities. You'll end up storing that once you arrive and receive your uniform issue. Once you go to tech school, you'll still be wearing your uniform the majority of the time, so "civi's" will still be stored away. You'll be offered the opportunity to take leave once your tech school is finished, so you can then head back home and snag more clothes.


If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. I retired 10 years ago.

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