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You can ALWAYS get someone back!

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A very interesting statement was made to me the other day. I was looking for some opinions from all of you on this.




You can ALWAYS get someone back...it may just take a little while...but as long as he/she cared about you and there was a physical attraction, you can get them back into your life. It takes patience, hard work, a little innocent manipulation and timing.


The more feedback from all of you the better on this! Thanks

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that was an interesting reason emotional.. i also don't agree...

some people just want to move on. after they break up with someone, they realize that maybe there is better out there. it doesn't matter how much you care for someone, sometimes you realize that that person isn't the right one. also if a person hurt you badly like by cheating or lying, sometimes even if you cared so much for them, its not worth it to you.. however i think that statement is true for some cases, but not all.

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i think it is possible to get someone back into your life providing they havent moved on already and even if they have you know that we all think about ex's we liked and stuff.


the main things to do i think is to not contact them because eventually they will contact you and when they do contact you sound disinterested and busy. Working on this helps them back into your life and eventually you can call them and arrange to meet. Important thing is to not discuss the relationship when you do meet as this may make them defensive but have a nice time and leave. Dont call them for a week or so and when you do do things maki it fun cos thats why they fancied you in the first place.

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It's possible, but sometimes you simply can't. Some ex-partner's are *really* stubborn, as I've discovered. Once someone has decided you're not right for them, it can be terribly hard to change their mind.


The most you can do is maximise your chances of getting back together, but there's never a guarantee. And remember that everyone is different: for some people, sounding disinterested and 'ignoring' them will eventually bring them back. But for other couples this mightn't be a good idea, as the other person can get used to not having you around (absense *doesn't* always make the heart grow fonder... it can help the heart forget).

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Hi nagol818,


Well I hope that statement is true and I think most people on this site would also.


But I think you have to think about what lengths you would have to go to get somebody to come back that doesn't want back.


Also if they did return how long would they stay?


We are all good people on this site, we realize we have made mistakes and are looking for help and support.


Most dumpers do not work on their problems, they just move into another relationship without any thought to the mistakes they made.


If this statement is correct then I think we all have to consider what we are prepared to do to get them back. Maybe focusing on getting them back too much can have a negative affect.


Don't give up hope, but we must all move on with our lives. Try to take things slow, the smallest progress is still a good thing..


We must not get disheartened with our achievements, if we stay strong we will be in a better state of mind and increase our chances of exs return.



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yea but it depends really because if the ex lets say

had already moved on and fell for the chick..the ex is never getting him back..ide say dont look back but look forward and who knows there may be that special girl/guy waiting for u right under ur nose..its not that ez to just erase the past but think of how good n what good things the future hold for u..being in sports helps tons..so if ur single or not over ur boyfriend or girlfriend join some kind of sport..n try to be good at it..both girls and boys love to be impressed..but hint hint dont show off lol..

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I totally agree with SLBG. The person who dumps you moves on, sometimes thinking *you* were the 'defective' one and not giving any thought to what their own relationships problems might be. Sure being dumped hurts, but it really forces you to sit up, examine yourself and try to work on your issues. So getting back together with your ex can be pointless as the two of you might now have very different perspectives.

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