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Is there any hope for us?

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Hi all. I really need some advice here. My b/f and I have been together for about 9 months now and he has some issues. When we first got together of course everything was great. He paid attention to me, took me out, we really connected and we really had fun. He moved away last month about 1 1/2 hrs away for school and things really started to go downhill. He quit drinking, which is fine, but he doesn't even want to be social with his friends, like going out with them w/o drinking or even taking me out w/o drinkin. I really love him but he has been so addicted to playing online poker lately too. He bets money and stuff and he can't stop. He's not out of control as far as how much he bets, Probably like $5 or $10 a night or something, but its starting to affect our relationship. He's like becoming a hermit. We take turns on the weekends so when I go see him I really want to spend some quality time with him. But its not what I expected at all. Every time I go up there he is on the computer like 80% of the time. I mean we go to a movie, out to eat and stuff but when we get to his apartment he is on the computer again! I don't know what to do here. I have mentioned it to him and he tells me he loves me and wants to keep taking me out and stuff but he really likes to play poker too. I told him that I'm tired of working around his computer and he says he's sorry and stuff and gives me the guilt trip. We have tried to end things before but its so hard when two people are so alike and talk about the same goals, he's basically my best friend. I don't know if we should just part or try and work things out. Any advice?

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i think u and ur boyfriend need to have a long chat about whats going on .Bottling it up will not help the situation . Simply lay ur cards on the table for him telling about how u feel and what u are going through.

maybe he needs a lil time i know its a distance relationship but maybe by leaving him alone for a little time he will begin to miss u and would start to appreicate your company when u are around .


anyways that my two cents i hope things look up for u .Just remember that the key to any successful relationship is communication .


take care

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