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It's my fault

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I'm swanton the 13 year old freak of nature thats madley in love with a girlthat i cant even talk to and she has a boyfriend. I keep saying i'm in so much pain over her and its true but today i realised that ist's all my fault that im in so much pain, ibrought this on myself. I liked her long befor she started dateing her boyfriend, should i have acted on my feelings i would have known for shure if she loved me. and even if she didn't at least the pain would be eased because i would have never been asking myself "what if" today.

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Hi swanton,


There isn't really much you can do, she's with someone else now. It's time i think for you to start searching for someone new as well, you can't keep trying on something that your not going to get. It's always the way isn't it we always want something that were not allowed to have. The best thing to do is get over her as fast as possible (i know easier said than done) and get back into the swing of hanging out with mates and looking for another girl and once you've got someone special, you'll wonder what you saw in her.


Your young and you still have your life ahead, there are going to be ups and downs and obsticles that your going to have to get over this is all part of life everyone goes through this. Enjoy yourself while you can and don't start worrying over relationships just yet, there's plenty of time for all of that later on.


Hope this has helped you,


all the best



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