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i still love my ex, what's wrong with me?

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my ex-husband divorced me a while ago and i'm still in shock. i still dream that one day we'll get back together. he left me for another woman. don't you love that. it's hard enough to lose that one special person, but you also lose that side of the family. his parents were **so nice**. i miss them terribly. they were smart and funny, just like him. sometimes i cry because i still miss my ex, but other times a cry because i miss my ex-parents-in-law. we used to have lovely sunday dinners together.

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I know you are very hurt and sad. I've been through divorce myself. The divorce was bad but recently, I had been in a committed relationship for three years. My ex broke up with me in december and now he's seeing his ex and it's only been 3 months since we broke up. It's very hard for me because I still love him and he still tells me that he loves me. Anyway, I think the best thing that you can do is try to remain friends with your ex husband and his family. I know this is hard to do especially when you know he is with someone else. But if there's going to be a chance of you getting back together, I think it will only happen if you remain friends with him. That's what I am doing with my ex. It's very hard to know that he is with someone else and a lot of times, I get angry and say mean things to him out of anger, but I explain to him that I am still hurt and still love him.

I hope that things work out for you.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

My ex just broke up with me as well and you know what, its easy to say that you want to be friends and that you should be friends- and its true you shouldn't let go of a relationship just because it didn't work, BUT you need time to heal. You need time away from him, time to understand why it didn't work and sure its only natural to still have hope because you know what you're only human after all. With that hope however, should come knowledge that you will be hurt when you talk to him and you will be sensitive perhaps you will expect things from him that he cannot give you. If he says he's seeing someone else, you'll be broken, what you need right now is the comfort of your friends and the security to know that you have people around you who care. I'd suggest you talk to a counselor because it always helps to talk to someone who can help you put yours thoughts into perspective. Go take a trip with friends, go out.. you don't necessarily have to be a party animal, go out on your own, just do things to occupy your idle mind.. because if you don't - your mind will only wander back to your ex and you're not ready to deal with that yet - you will be, in time you will be ready and I promise, that then you'll be okay and you will want to be friends with your ex, but now is just not the time because you'll be pining for something that doesn't exist anymore and I know it sounds harsh, but thats the way it is. You've got to tear yourself away from all those familiar surroundings and just keep yourself occupied.. and this may sound like the kind of advice everyone else might give you but please trust that it works.. because it really does.

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