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Does she like me? PLS help

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I just started talking to her a short time ago. I had a crush on her for a while and got around to talking with her when possible. She looks at me from time to time and is really nice.

I asked and she said " i am definitely single". I know she likes guys, but I don't know wether it it was meant as an ordinary statement or as a hint that wants me to ask her out. Sombody please help!

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She knows who you are, she's told that she's definitely single then i suggest asking her if she fancies doing something sometime, just the two of you. She's showing signs of interest if she's looking at you, you can tell usually by body language it's not that hard to learn how to read the signs e.g. eye contact, playing with hair and laughing at things you say.


So go up and ask her if she wants to do something...


Wishing you all the best


Evil Bakura

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Dear Dauntless,

I can't tell of course if she likes you or not. If you can't tell how can anyone else. But my advice is to go ahead and ask her out anyway - then you will soon know.


This is tough so set yourself up beforehand, in case asking her out doesn't turn out well, have something planned that will cheer you up. You haven't said if you have a cat or dog but maybe you could line up with a close friend to spend the evening if she says nol


Another tip is to plan out the evening in case she says yes. Have it all figured out what you will do. This makes you look less wimpy and makes it easier for her to say yes to it. Think about what you know about her and try to pick something she will enjoy, eg if she like action movies and arnie shwarzenegger then don't ask her to a soppy romance film. Generally on a first date dinner followed by a movie is good because by the time you get past dinner you're both tired from the stress and it's good to have time where you don't have to talk. But of course if you both have a shared interest like bowling or sailing or whatever then something related to that is ideal - it has the added benefit of looking more casual when you ask her out.


Good luck and don't lose heart - my husband was terrified when he first asked me out but we are very happy 6 years later.

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