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Some advice please

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2 Questions here I'd like comments on:

1st: I've just sat thinking here if any of you guys read my previous posts about this girl I like in a class of mine..First off I'm am a HUGE Second-Guesser on stuff I get it from my mom she's worse at it..I constantly go back and replay something in my head over and over analyzing it wondering did I do this or that right or wrong blah blah blah. Anyways I really like this girl and I have no idea if she likes me or not I mean she'll walk with me after class to the parking lot, laugh at funny remarks I make, I always get the door for her..always try to atleast..and I keep wondering to myself is she seeing someone or not?..if she is would she be this friendly towards me?


2nd Question: How do I keep myself from getting in the 'friend' area as they say?

Thanks for reading and replying

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I suggest, that next time your walking her too the parking lot when you've reached a point where your at a stop come out and ask her whether she's seeing someone and if not would she wana do something with you some time or not? I know this isn't the best ways around this but if you want an answer and your able to take the answer either way then this is probably your best bet. It going to be something that she might either be expecting or not who knows what she's thinking maybe she's waiting for you to make the first move. She's showing the normal signs of liking someone, it's just that it's up too you whether or not you want to find out if she's seeing someone.


I hope this has helped you, i wish you all the best


Evil Bakura

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