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What can I do?

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I like this girl, and well I wanna go out with her, but I never seem to get the chance to ask her out, and because i'm shy i can't do it infront of her and her friends etc. However, I wont be able to see her again for a few weeks, unless I ask her out ASAP, and the only chance i have would be at this big party, which is a while away.

Thing is though, I didn't wanna have to ask her ou there, because other guys could get to her first, and i have a feeling they will, unless i make a total idiot of myself and just ask her as soon as she arrives, infront of like everyone... And may i remind you i'm shy!

Basically heres some background - first time we met i sat next to her and helped her out with stuff, then as we both left, I saw her scanning my body. For some time afterwards she was paying a fair bit of attention to me, like looking at me when i entered the room, or as we passed, but at the time I didn't really know anything about her, and didn't like her much, so her attention towards me was waisted.

However, some time later I saw a side to her that I really liked, and so wanted to rekinddle what we had. I would sit by her again (when she came over and sat near me), and well try to not ignore here. She did still look at me when I entered rooms etc, but sh no longer looks at me at other times like when we pass each other, so I thought i probable blew it and she wasn't interested in me. However, to my surprise whenever I was in a convo with her, she would always pay 100% attention to me, and look into my eyes, I think. For some stupid reason I couldn't maintain the look back for long, as I often just smiled and didn't fix my look as such. Then the other day when i walked into a room again, and she looked, I looked straight back, then after maybe 3 or 4 seconds (I wasn't counting) she turned her head back around. I was so happy with myself, but that was about it, nothing else happened, until later when I yawned and looked out of the window to my side, i turned my head back around and could swear she was looking at me, but for some stupid reason I continued to turn my head past - probably because I was yawning, and didn't want her to see inside me LOL.

So anyway, I didn't really get a chance to ask her out, and today, the last day, she didn't seem to even look at me the one time I saw her and her friends walk past, eventhough all her other friends did!

If I just saw her looking a me, I would of indicated I wanted to speak to her or something, but ignoring me was kind of a bad sign.

So basically I have no idea how much if at all she likes me, eventhough I have looked at all those body language stuff! It seems she does do some of the stuff, but I dunno if she likes me as much as I like her.

I strongly think my actions made her think she wasn't interested in me though...

So basically, what can I do? Should I risk everything at this party, or try and make eye contact or something, or ask at a good time, eventhough time is against me (ie someone else might ask her).

Please help thanks!

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  • 4 weeks later...

If she is walking with her friends you could just walk in between them all and say something like "alright girls ?" and keep walking. This way you WILL be noticed. If you see her alone then just say "Hi" Depending on her reaction, you could start talking to her and casually ask if she is going to the party, if she's going with her friends or not. Then leave it as, "I'll see you there then" and smile.

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And I understand what you are saying about being shy. I was the same way when i was in school. So lets see if we can consider getting a little more confidence and overcome that shyness of yours. Never will anything beat the direct approach. It works 99% of the time. First take a deep breath, then walk right up to her and say to her. How would you like to go out for a bite to eat and a movie ? And I'll bet she says "GREAT". Don't worry about the other guys. You can only control what you do and say. You are not competing with them. Just be yourself.


Go get her


Good Luck, have a super date





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And I understand what you are saying about being shy. I was the same way when i was in school. So lets see if we can consider getting a little more confidence and overcome that shyness of yours. Never will anything beat the direct approach. It works 99% of the time. First take a deep breath, then walk right up to her and say to her. How would you like to go out for a bite to eat and a movie ? And I'll bet she says "GREAT". Don't worry about the other guys. You can only control what you do and say. You are not competing with them. Just be yourself.


Go get her


Good Luck, have a super date






I agree.. It's not that you are shy.. it happen to everyone.. until you are use to this stuff. Think about if you are going out with her and still being shy... how will this ever work out?


the best thing for you to do is try not to let her know this... until you get her know al ot about you to see if she is interested..


and get to know her at same time, cuz then.. you'll know if u truly like her or not.. not by look but personality.


then final step.. Ask her out

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