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My girlfriend's parents hate me!

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I have the best girlfriend in the world.. we've been together for quite a while now.. and its her who i want to spend my life with, she feels the same. Things are awkward though, we both still live with our parents... My parents absolutely adore my girl, and have accepted her beyond anything i ever expected. Her parent's however, have pretty much banned me from entering their home, and have expressed how much they detest me. As they believe i made, or forced, my girlfriend to be gay! I'm sure there is someone else out there in a similar circumstance! If anyone could share stories of how they cope etc. that would be great! I dont want to lose this girl...she's my everything.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a feeling this was posted in the wrong section, hopefully you have already received some advice.


Unfortunately in our society not everyone is as tolerant of others as we would like. Be strong, take strength in your girlfriend, and focus on your relationship. If you two can make it last, her parents may eventually come around.


Good Luck!

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  • 3 years later...

If she's old enough to leave home why don't you ask your parents if she can move in with your family? If that's not acceptable find a place of your own.


Maybe in time they'll change their minds about you? Don't forget you're not going out with her parents! If she loves you then nothing will deter her from being with you.


Good luck

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