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here is a tip for all

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So as some of ou might know my girlfriend and I have been on a break for sometime. She wanted to find herself commmon story. I startedhearing rumors that she was messing around with another guy. She denied them fully and got uposet with me becuase I didn't believe her and I should trust her. She told me she could never do somehting liek that. If you girlfriend ever tells you that kick her to the curb, becuase she is not being honest. Take your blinders off if you are in this situation. I needed to know the truth and I knew she wasn't going to tell me so what did I do I asked the guy. I told him I wasn't upset with him, and that I needed to know. I found out alot of stuff. People who lie and cheat don't deserve what you have to give them.

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Hi pktmkm700,


Sometimes people make mistakes, if they are confused and don't know what they want should you kick them to the curb.


Most of u on this site are looking for a second chance with our exs, if we all took your outlook none of us would have girlfriend ever.


Im not saying that if the lie and cheat you should stand by them, all im saying is we all deserve a second chance.


If they mess up again then sure, kick em to the curb.

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If they cheated during the relationship then NO second chances.


But if you are on a break and she sees other guys then you can forgive her.


Like I said, if she is confused and doesnt no what she wants then you have to wait, its all just a big game.


Good luck.

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