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is there a chance of us gettin back

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hey i was goin out with my g/f for year and 8 months. she broke up with cuz she got bored of doin the same things like her comin to my house and me goin to hers. i could have changed that easily but it was to late. ive been tryi to do the no contact thing but she wants me to her call her and stuff before she didnt want to talk to me so i dont know what to think.what should i do. she said she likes bein single cuz she can go party and stuff i told her that i would let her go party and wouldnt hold her back from doing that. and she likes hangin out with other people and she says she doesnt miss me right now. what do i do? plz help? is the a chance of us gettin back?

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If she doesn't miss you... and she means it...there is nothing you can do.


Still, you might want to hold on to the no-contact rule, since you have nothing to loose. Saying "but I will let you go ou", won't make her come back, since that means you are at her feet. Is that where you want to be?


If you do feel the urge to talk to her don't talk about you and her getting back together, let her bring it up. If she doesn't... time for something new I guess!

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k i will but its that i love her so much. and not having her just made me realise how much i do love her. and the thought of bein with someone else makes me want to die,lol. she said her like family misses me more then she does. she said maybe it hasnt hit her yet or something.its just that i bought her a presnt for her b day when we goin out. do i give it to her or what. like i thought that maybe if we hung out together made she realise why she liked me and stuff. cuz weve been on breaks before and we hung out and then everything fine and we ok and the break over.

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Hmm interesting.. thats one of the exact same reasons why my bf broke up with me..lol I think you might still have a chance. You just need to have a lot of hope. I mean I really want my bf back and I still dont know what to do about that. I miss him dearly. Just let her do her own thing for a bit and see what happens. She might really miss you deep down, or soon realize that she does Good luck though

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wow are you serious? call him? i dunno. yeah i would probably cry of happiness if he did take me back too lol the thing is we didnt really talk on the phone much just for making plans and stuff so maybe instant message him then? but what should i talk about just like random stuff i guess i think that works

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hey, yeh she talked to me on msn today and asked me what i did last night. i still dont know what to think. like is that a sign that she curius or something.like i get all my hopes up for stupid lil things like that i dont know im just goin crazy.lol. i dont know what to do or what to think.

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