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I am a 23 year old that has never been in love... only ever had two boyfriends the longest being 2 months... i have loads of friends that always tell me how great i am etc... but never a guy.. they will always say im like their sister or the great old line "just a good friend" why do i never get to go to the next step... anyone have any similar experiences or advise......

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Stop looking

Thats all you need to do. Go out enjoy yourself with your mates and you will be picked up in no time. One thing I do as a rule is I never Go with anyone I meet in a pub or night club! If you want to find a man join a dance club, goto the gym or start a martial art. You will find men there and there tend not to be the large lads too!

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I entered this site today. Reading through some of the messages gave me a feeling that we can all be as happy as we want to be and vice versa. I know often this may sound like really highflying talk but it really is true. For all the love i have in my life, all I have ever done is to give it away to somebody more needyin another form. Love arrives in ones life when we are ready to take and often it goes away when its not meant for us. When it comes enjoy it and when it goes cry for it and let it go . That is the only way to live. Be sure and be positive and it will come back to you again. We are all children of the universe , whether we know it or not, we have a right to be here .Basically be of one mind. A Mind that has found its natural ability to stop, be calm and come to rest is a mind ready for action. Stopping Calming , resting and Playing. Stop the struggle, calm the emotions, rest in yourself, enjoy the play . This is the goal . At the same time this is the means to get there.

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