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afraid of losing this new love

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Hi there,

i dont know where to start, i dont even know if it's so necessary that i should post this problem, cos maybe some of you may think it's rather silly. But this has been bothering me for quite a while


okay...not so long ago, i was hurt emotionally by my ex bf, but as time goes on, im now totally over him. And the good news is, i've now found someone else who loves me so dearly, treats me well, and takes care of me. He isn't my BF yet, though...we're just really close and i know he's after me, this is for sure. and im started to love him too. I've even been introduced by him to his family. And his family seems to like me too. I've met them twice, and yesterday we went to church together. so it's going well.


And the bad news is just within my self. Because in the next few days, i'm going to move out from my house to a new apartment, and sharing with my friend. I have to admit she is very attractive girl, i know this, because whenever im with her, i notice that all guys's eyes are on her. I just feel like im being left out whenever im with her. Im not saying that i'm not pretty or anything, it's just ...maybe not if compared to her.


And This guy would certainly come to my new place, he's gonna help me getting all my stuff in there. So they're certainly gonna meet. Im so scared ...very scared that he's gonna fall for her. This girl has already have a bf, but the very thought that my guy would admire and compare me with her is so hurting me now.

Silly arent i? but that's just how i feel right at this moment. I dont know what to do, i need some advice, please...

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There's nothing you can do, he is going to meet your flatmate eventually, and if he ends up wanting her over you then you two wernt meant to be together, its as simple as that.


Remember, he has a life away from you where Im sure he meets many other women in the course of his activities, some will of course be pretty too, does he want to be with them? No, otherwise he would be right! So if he's with you its because he wants to be with you, if he didnt he'd be elsewhere. I bet you meet plenty of good looking guys in your life, do you go out with them???


Be confident in yourself that this guy wants YOU, invite him enthuastically to meet your flatmate, you will soon realise if he does like her, but its unlikely, for one thing she already has a boyfriend!


You need to have good self esteem, if you havent then you need to fake it, if you dont and you are always scared of introducing him to girls you think are prettier then you, he will lose respect for you as he realises your jealous side is is pretty strong!


Be confident, love who YOU are, have your own plans, your own aims and ambitions, and dont be fearful of losing a guy, it will firstly destroy you and then your relationship.


Live, be happy and let the chips fall where they will, it may not be as bad as you think.


Good luck.

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waynerwayner is right, there is nothing you can do. But hey, be positive and remember this, this guy is interested in you for you, and if he's worth it he wont drop all the time and effort hes put into developing a relationship with you slip because of a gorgeous girl. Im sure he sees gorgeous girls everyday just walking down the street, but he's still after you right!

goodluck i hope it all turns out great!

- sprkal

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