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So sensitive, help!

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ok, my girlfriend's, i guess, clitoral region, is so sensitive that the slightest touch hurts her, even when she's wet. i try to stay on the sides so there is no direct contact, but that even makes her cringe sometimes. is there anything i should try in order to bring her pleasure and not pain, or should i just not try anymore.

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How long has this problem been occurring? Has she thought about seeing her doctor, maybe he can shed some light on the problem it might been even treatable with antibiotics as such. If your both worried then i suggest you talk to her parents expalin what wrong or if you don't feel comfortable then i suggest going to see the doctor.


Hope this helps



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I have the exact same problem as you and i have no idea what to do about it. It is the one reaosn i came here. Whenever i go down there i can't do anythingy to bring my girlfriend to cum becuase it hurts her or make her cringe if i do anything i know of. (not much here) Any adive would be very useful.

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I think it really depends on a girls sexual activity, or just any activity down there. My ex-girlfriend was VERY VERY VERY sensitive down there. Infact anything below the very top of her clit and she would scream OUCH OUCH OUCH! This was before we had sex.. when we did have sex she cried because it hurt her so much. Then a month or so after that I could have sex with her as long, hard, and fast as I wanted to. Fingers were no longer an issue at all.


So if your girlfriend is a virgin, doesn't finger themselves, don't use tampons, etc, then my guess would be that they're just extremely tight and maybe really sensitive, or both.

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