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i miss him so much

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There doesn't seem to much problem here really. He knows your attraction to him, you've already met, and you stay in daily contact. If you feel the ruge to kiss him, I'm confident he wouldn't puch you away. In fact I'm even guessing he might be waiting for you to make that move. Ha maybe shy, even though he knows your attraction.


Go for it and have fun! =)

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I know exactly what you are going through, because I went through the same thing, and it wasn't a bad thing at all. I had met my ex in a chatroom, and we hit it off pretty well. We talked for about a year before we actually met in person. He flew over here for the first meeting and the feelings we had for each other were confirmed. I fell head over heels in love with him and vice versa. The day he flew back to London, I cried like a baby. It was only a few weeks later that I flew over to London to visit him. I stayed with his family in their home. His parents immediately liked me, and my ex and I just grew closer and closer. We eventually got engaged and visited each other when we could, and tried to talk everyday. We were together for almost 3 1/2 years until the distance and some other problems got in the way and we broke up, but we still talk to each other, and I still love him even though I am with someone else now. Not all situations turn out bad, and I say that if you feel so strongly for someone and they feel the same way in return, anything can work. The only reason the distance didn't work for me was because I was still in high school and wasn't about to leave the country and Andy had a pretty good job and wouldn't leave London. I say goodluck and definitely go for it, follow your heart, but use your head if things don't seem right.

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I totally disagree with you about going to UK to know a person you havent seen. Why hasnt he sent you pics of him. Everythig sounded fine till you mention you have a weird gut feeling about the latest questions that I think you are overlooking.

Just ask him to send you his pics and tell him what you think about his questios if he is a gentleman he should send you the pics. I would If i were him. What is he afraid of? Does he have a girlfriend?.


Otherwise, it could be a nice experince for you and a fun way to meet your posible boyfriend. Luck

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  • 1 month later...

I know that I say this like its completely simple;

But why dont you move to England for a while?

Get a working visa for 6 months and see how you go over that time, provided it's a mutual agreement, that is.

It will give you somthing to look forward to

I'm jealous, but happy for you

Good luck.

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I sincerely hope this works out for you. Get the visa, and get yourself accross to the UK.( take an umberella 'cause it usually rains here all the time) You're both single, you feel that you love each other. As you said, you got to know each other well before pics were exchanged, so it's not just based of physical attraction. This could be your soulmate. Best of luck Christi.

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