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Bit of an odd one this, but any advice would be appreciated.


Met a girl in a bar, found out she had a boyfriend who was away, but got chatting and got on really well. As the night moved on, she started flirting big time (lots of eye contact, holding hands, pecking on the lips etc...) and then i find out that she's one of my best mates cousins!!!


Anyway, went out clubbing and she really begins flirting heavilly, stroking my hair, biting my ears, showering me with compliments about my looks and more pecking etc.. but as we went to kiss we both pulled out at the last minute (me as I figured if it went wrong it could be a lot of hassle for me - cos of my mate, etc) and her I guess as she has a boyfriend and was fairly drunk at this point.


she asked me for my no, and i left it at that. Now I really like her, and whilst I'm not 100% sure she'd cheat on er boyfriend, I am 100% certain that she's attracted to me ....


...do I leave it or pursue it. and if so , how?



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Start how you mean to go on.


Its only my opinion but I think if you start a relationship with a girl who already has a boyfriend there will always be a doubt in your mind that she will be unfaithful again.


If you are not looking for a long term relationship with this girl then have some fun, but try to think how you would feel if you was her boyfriend and you found out she was playing away.


Not a very nice feeling, relationships should be built on trust, if there is no trust from the start what future do you think you will have.


Anyway, you will make your own choices. I hope this has been of some help to you.


Good luck

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I have to disagree with you SLBG, if this statement were true none of us would have a wife, g-friend etc....

"Its only my opinion but I think if you start a relationship with a girl who already has a boyfriend there will always be a doubt in your mind that she will be unfaithful again. "


In my opinion there is only cheating if there is a stated commentment between two concenting adults. Not to bash but i hear this my bf/gf is cheating one me...no one is worth trying to hold on to...if they want to be with you, the will...that simple, but back to the topic at hand. you have to be very carefull when alcohol is involed in meeting a partner/potential partner. The alcohol will lower their judgements and allow the to say/do things that they might not normally do. I would like to know if she has called you or not...you said that you left your number right...well if she has not called you then it prob was just the alcohol...and i would leave it at that....on the other hand, if she has called you then she must like you...if she likes you, then ask her out...and go on a date with out alcohol involvment...and see what happeneds....


best of luck

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Let me just share a little something here.


A friends friend of mine, that I know but only a little..

She came from another country and got together with a guy over here.

At the summers when she went back to her country to visit her families, she was unfaithful with another man. One year later her bf found out because she still had contact with him.. What he did not know, however.. Is that she did that repeatedly - every summer that she went back.


In the midst of breaking up, this gal got to know another man from a neighbouring country. She went there for a weekend, the man paid all expenses, and they had sex also becoming boyfriend/girlfriend over there. (Note that the man she met also was in the midst of breaking up with his girlfriend). Anyways.. When she gets back she continues to have sex with the "first" boyfriend, him not knowing what she had done..


The third man (from the neighbouring country), does not know that she still has sexual intercourse with her first boyfriend. She hasn't broken up with the guy in her home country, he still thinks she will come back to him. It was only a very few weeks back that she broke up with the first boyfriend.


Fun thing is that all her "friends" hate her, but that might not be a very big surprise. If someone does that to someone they supposedly love.. What can they do to their friends?


As stated above:

How do you know that she won't cheat on you as soon as something "better" walks by?

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