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forgetting someone you still want and need

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hello this is my 1st time posting here at this forum so i just thought id say hi and ask what i should do....


back in HS i liked this girl so much, i never made my move but just liked the ways she looked and to make a long story short, i thought about her every night and day thinking 1 day id be with her.


but then after HS ended and i took a year and a bit off i started to become more and more depressed and even suicidal....


i now have kind of figured out things about myself......i think im either delusional or an erotomanic. Im a manic depressive and im just someone who wants to forget someone i still think about and feel that i need..



what should i do



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Omg!! Hey man, I went through the same exact thing with a chick from HS. I would think about her all day and night. It got to the point where I started to worry about myself cuz I couldn't stop. I gotta say, the number one thing that helped me get her out of my mind was actually telling her how I felt. I planned and thought about it for weeks and my best solution was to write her a letter. I knew there was no way in hell I could tell her face to face (this was HS I was super shy). Plus she had a boyfriend. Once I got everything off my chest it was super easy to move on. I knew I didn't have a chance with her but it made me feel better at least she knows how I feel. Don't think you're crazy either, you're not. This happens to many. Stay cool and don't let it get to you that way. I know how it is.....it SUX!!

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well ya i guess...but i kinda harrased her and i cant really send her anything or shell have me arrested and then im in jail


oh well all i can do is listen to gigi dagostino's ill fly with you over and over imagining that shes saying those things....


my lifes over no matter what!! 8)

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