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Hes too afraid of rejection

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flirt around, give him your undivided attention, drop him subtle hints that you like him...the opportunities will come and you will see them, you just have to take advantage of the situation.


for example, if there is a movie coming out you both want to see, say oh we should go together, i know no one else will want to come to see that movie with me. you both will go just as friends but it will open the doors to the bonding that can lead into other things.

if you want to be a little more bold, start asking him questions about ex gf's, what he likes now...stuff like that.

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Can you flirt? If not do some reserach on the signs a woman gives when she is attracted and interested, eye contact sustained and broken by looking down, hair twirling, mirroring his body language, being open in your posture, sticking your chest ouot, etc. Sights on the net will tell you how to do it. You should also be able to find something on man's body language.


Then when you talk to him, at the end tell him that you enjoy talking to him. See what he says, he should respond in kind. Then tell him you should do it more often. If he agrees, then he should jsut ask, if not either you can tell him to ask or ask or walk away and try it again next week. He should get the idea.

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