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I've read from other website that if you want to eventually get back to you ex you shouldn't date anyone... what do you think about it?

I broke up with my ex last sunday, and somehow as soon as my friends knew a couple of people asked me out as friends. Curiosly we live nearby the area, and I got a sort of fear that if he sees me with someone else (even it just friends) he might think that I didn't care or something else... (one of his reasons of breaking up was he feeling mistrust - which had no reason). On the other hand my friends say that I should go out, have fun... but I'm really confused. what do you think?

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I know what you are going through. I am going through the same thing. Part of me wants to see what else is out there and have fun etc. But in the other hand what if he seems me with somebody else. To you I say go out and have fun. You only live once and learn things so if you do get back together with your ex you will have that experience of seeing what else is out there. As for me it's kind of a different story. Hope this helps

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I think that you can see people, just to hang out, but not seriously date anyone. It's good to meet new people who you might be interested in, because it helps to know that there are more options, other than the ex. It's not healthy to 'immediately' jump into a 'new' relationship because:

1. Your not over your ex.

2. Rebounding is bad

3. You need time to find yourself.


I think that it's healthier to get into a relationship, when things are start out on a 'clean slate,' whether or not you do try to start out fresh with an ex, or with someone new (preferably, not the ex).

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