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When I came into work yesterday morning, I saw my ex's car parked near her new boyfriend's car.


This morning, I saw that her car had not moved.


In the back of my head, I have sort of known that she's been sleeping with him, but I suppose I never really realized it per se.


I am trying very hard to be happy for her that she's found someone and that she's (hopefully) happy with him.


But this feels so awful. I feel like just laying down on the floor and going to sleep for a while to stop myself from hurting like this.


Last time we talked, I told her that it was hurting me to see her flirt openly with someone else when I am around. She said that she did not feel she should take suggestions from me on how to behave in public.



I sometimes wonder how it is possible that two people who were so in love with each other could cause each other so much pain.


I have to try to go through today one hour at a time.

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I'm very sorry for your pain. we all have been in the same situation in our lives at one time or another. Like everything in life, things change. And most of all relationships change. My suggestion to you would be to try and change your thought process. if you don't it will drive you crazy. The worse thing you can think of is the sex angle with someone else. Try and accept the fact that she has moved on. Now it is your turn. I know it is not easy but you must dig deep into your mental fortitude somehow. And turn around your thoughts. you said, I want to wish her well. I believe in many cases when people break up, that is the right thing to do. As far as her actions, let it go, let her go. You can't control people, and we can't force someone to love us. Look at it this way. You had some great times together, you fell in love. She fell out of love, at least for now with you. You're tore up, for now. In time it will all go away, it always does and it always will. I would say to myself, she was more than likely sleeping with someone esle before she met me. Most people we meet are not virgins when we meet them. Even though some would like us to believe that. Accept....Accept....Accept....and stop checking out her car. Walk right by it as if it were just another car. And soon it will be. You said you kind of like knew deep down what was going on. More than likely you are right....so Accept the reality of what has happened to you. I hate to see anyone go through emotional pain.....it s**ks......take your time heal at your own pace ,do something nice for you. Go meet someone new, hang out, but get out even if you don't want to. Sitting around mulling over the past will never change the reality. and for you the reality "may" be that you are starting and that could be a very good thing. Even if you are blinded by the pain right now. One door closes and another one opens.....it always does.


Hang tough my friend.........have some fun this weekend.....it's Friday night go out and paint the town........just be sure to take a taxi



8) 8) 8)

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First off, flirting with other guys when you're around this close after breaking up is rude and insulting, I wouldn't stand for it...no negotiations. But I think the best thing for you is to just let her go, try and stop talking to her...put her on the backburner of your life and start doing things with and seeing other people.

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Jetset, the pain must be unbearable. Like other posts have suggested, time will eventually heal the pain. In the meantime, you have to live through it. I feel really horrible for you. I know that pain and each minute or each day seems to last forever. The pain seems never-ending right now.


My suggestion would be to get busy. Do all the things you have been putting off. Do as many of the things you have always wanted to do. Put yourself first. Keep busy. Try something new. Make a to do list of items that need to get done. Make a list of all the things you would like to do, commit to yourself that you will do a specific # of these task per day.


Maybe a new job so you will not see your ex's car? If you do not know what she is up to, it won't hurt as much and the pain won't last as long.


As you become more busy, you will start to heal because those minutes of pain will not drag on.


I wish you all the best. Don't forget to put yourself first and you are the one who had to live through this pain. Unfortunately even your closest friends and family can't take it away. But they can help and listen.

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