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My bf and i have been together as a couple and sexually for awhile. He turns me on, i turn him on, BUT, the sex isn't always the best. Now granted i'm willing to look over this because of course i love him to death and i wouldn't dare come right out and tell him that because i know we're working on it and i wouldn't want it to destroy any confidence he has. So anyway, we've been discussing the possibility of bondage, as in, tieing one another up, mainly myself. I don't thouroughly enjoy the sex unless he uses his fingers along with his "instrument" and usually end up stopping him involuntary when the feeling gets too much. So in order to stop myself from stopping him we thought the tieing up thing would be a good idea. Of course since we're both new to it i was kind of searching for a little insight on it and whether it's a good idea or not. Thanks for any replies.

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Yeah I think it's fun as long as you're both in the mood and like role playing a bit. Ie...the person whos doing the tying kinda has to take control, not "rough"....but you know what i mean.


Have you tried different positions? I mean you could tell him which positions work the best for you....i'm sure you know how to reach orgasm yourself...can't you coach him somehow? I know me personally I'm all for the education......as a guy I get really turned on knowing the woman I'm with is........it's all about the knowledge.

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you might also want to have him blindfold you and touch you with different things that have different textures, temperatures, etc and in different places, and tell him what feels good, what feels like too much... have him vary the pressure, how hard or fast he massages or strokes, add a little good lube or massage oil at different temps - might help you concentrate on nothing but the feelings and physical sensations, plus it's a "trust thing" to let your partner do as they wish when you can't see what they're doing. Return the favor with him, don't just limit it to one area of the body, it makes for more surprise and anticipation. Get creative and think of things that are more "exploration" than "sex" to find out what surprise areas there are on your body that you react to, like behind the knees, inside arm, ankles, inner thighs, down the spine - the more turned on you get before being directly stimulated, the more ready you're gonna be.

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