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Why doesn't he want to go down on me?

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My bf and I have been together for 2+ months and i've given him oral but he hasn't to me. He teases me with the idea but hasn't actually done anything. Why would he do that? I tried not giving him any until he returns the favor but nothing happened. When I asked if he doesn't want oral, he simply said he is not going to ask me to do anything I don't want to but he does want me to. How can I get him to be comfortable enough to do it to me?

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All I can say is why don't you talk to him about it. The key to a good relationship is to have good communication. This may be something new to him,and he is really nervous about it. Tell him the same thing he told you that you will not force him to do it, but you would like for him to. Just talk to him about it. Good Luck!

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A very personal/touchy subject. He may have had an unpleasant experience or it's simply something he's not used to doing and may be uncomfortable talking about it.


Making an issue out of it will only create pressure. Try planning a special surprise evening with a candlelight bubble bath, soft music and a glass of wine. After the bath lather on some Victoria lotion and body spray and slip on something sexy. Spray some of the body spray on the pillows and sheets...and take it nice and slow with sensual kissing and touching.

Even if it doesn't happen this time, try again...he'll grow to enjoy it.


Good luck,


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Hi! It sound to me like you haven't told him that you want oral, maybe he's assuming that you don't like it since you haven't said anything about it. I presume that is why he's teasing you, to see how do you react. In early stages of a relationship both boy and girl are insecure because they don't know each other that well, and don't know if a particular sex practice (like oral) can make his/her partner uncomfortable. You shoud talk about what you enjoy sexually, that way you will have a more satisfactory sex life.

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1/ He may not know what he's doing and doesn't want to admit it. Easy solution, after a bit of foreplay, ask him for it in a somewhat provacative fashion and indicate/point/rub where and what exactly you would like him to do. If he's doing it right then tell him or make a pleasing noise. If its not right then correct him. Show him everthing you like. From experience - try and have a towel kicking about subtley where he is so he can wipe his mouth when required!


2/ Some suggest maybe a bad experience ... may be so - he may have made a mistake in the past / a little nervous - OR I have also experienced a female that had an unpreventable odour that put me right off in the past. She left me because I wouldn't do it! There are ways round this.


All the best.



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  • 2 weeks later...

well.... my bf does it for me and he enjoys pleasing me so yay... but maybe hes NOT comfortable w/ it, thats proly what he meant wen he said that hes not gonna make u do anything u dont want to, like, dont make him do something that he doesnt want to... or maybe hes just never done it b4 so he doesnt want to embaras himself... just talk to him about it, thats the best way to go

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Well you're kind of in a difficult situation. It could be a number of reasons why he hasn't done it yet.


One of those reasons may be he just doesn't feel like he will be able to satisfy you and is worried that you won't enjoy it. My girlfriend didn't give me oral sex for almost 5 months, EVEN AFTER WE HAD SEX, because she was worried she wouldn't be able to please me while doing this.


The second reason why he may not want to do this is due to the fact that it just isn't a pleasant place for some males. While I'm sure there are many many males that love doing this to their girlfriends, or just girls in general, it can be an uncomfortable place. When I went down on my girlfriend I had several unpleasant experiences each time I did it. It tended to smell way to strong for me, the oder was out of control for my taste. The taste isn't really an issue, though it does seem a little awkward at first moving your tongue around there. Lastly I came up with a mouth of hair. So perhaps your boyfriend may have had a similar experience, heard stories, etc.


Lastly, it may simply be that he just doesn't feel ready. He may feel like he is able to do it, but it isn't something that he has really given a lot of thought about and doesn't feel comfortable with the idea yet. The best solution for this would be giving him time to accept that you want him to do this for you, and that he'll most likely end up doing it.


You need to talk to him to find out the real reason behind why he isn't doing this, but those are a few reasons why he may not be. Good luck with everything and don't put too much pressure on him if he isn't ready to do it for you yet. Some people just need time.

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