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Wow, that was confusing!

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Today, I was sitting in class and working on a project when I started talking to the people in my group. 2 of them are girls, and 1 of the girls kept talking to me about life in general. I knew her pretty well, and was sort of a friend/acquaintance with her. Suddenly the subject of parents came up, and I have some real problems getting along with my mom, and she knew it. I told her that I didn't think my mom really considered me a kid, and more of someone who just live in her house. Just then the girl said, "Well don't worry, because I love you."


After that, I was kind of confused and so was she, the conversation ended pretty abruptly, and fortunately it wasn't too awkward, because the bell rang 10 seconds later. What does this mean, can someone explain it to me?

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Hmm..Well, you called her a friend/acquaintance, which is a definite sign that you guys aren't very close. I think that she was just saying that to comfort you, don't doubt that she cares for you, but it wouldn't make sense for her to be IN love with you because 1) She hardly knows you and 2) There would've been signs that pointed this out.


Don't dwell on it, I don't think it's a big deal. The word love gets thrown around a lot these days; it's starting to lose its meaning.

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Yeah, I probably should have said thank you. Also, this girl is not the type who throws around the word love easily. She is the overachiever person, who must have everything perfect and has a 5.0 GPA. She did look pretty embarrassed, and normally she does speeches against people from all over the world. It was just one of those things that happen, and just makes you rethink certain people.

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