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Werner syndrome

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I;ve never known myself as a hypocondriac, but i have to wonder now. BUt i dont think its my mind, i think its truly my body. I think i have something like Werners syndrome, a premature aging disorder that can bein in 20s. Anyway it all comes from my skin aging, all over i am aging fast. And depression and personality changes are happening big time. My body feeels weak, i find it hard to exert any force or any strength. I work on this auto pilot where i am not trying to try hard at anything.


Anyway I am aging quick, and i dont know why. So i found Werners recently and i really think its something like this, that is causing my aging. This is the worst feeeling ever, and life does not stop sending me "WHY ME" moments.

Or i could be a major hypochondriac, but it has come out of no where, i never used to worry about this stuff. SO i need to figure it out, and i want answers

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Ive had a full physical recently and everything looked ok they said. Although they dont test for genetic disorders, and this particular one is hard to see cause it doesnt start gaining speed until 20s, so i do look 23 but my skin all over, is getting wrinkled, and ive got big crows feets. I used to drink heavily and thought that it was it, but none of my friends that i partied with has aging like this. Also i have had alot of depression, but i have thought it was due to my skin aging.

BUt thinking about it, I did start to get depressed and down, and then i started noticed my face aging, and its only become more and more of a condition over the last 2 years. \

Like this mourning when i wake up, lke every mourning, i get up and feel fine, then I start to remember my body and skin, and its like this prison i am caught in that will always bring me down. Its like i can only be so happy, cause am always stuck in this bodyt.

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Ive had a full physical recently and everything looked ok they said.

In that case, I'd say you probably ARE just fine, especially that it was a FULL physical RECENTLY. No doubt, if they had found even the slightest sign of something unusual, they would have called you back for more tests.


I guess if you are still in doubt, then go back for more tests and tell them exactly what you want the tests for - tell them you suspect you have "Werner syndrome". You won't get any help by posting on a message board. See a Specialist about it - he can do more for you.

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