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Should I kiss her there or there???

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I am in love with a girl Danielle she's from Chicago, Illinios but came to live here in Australia. We touch each other all fine and all we go to the movies we laugh at each other and we've even slept in the same room as each other.


What I need to know is when the time comes and I just know it's time to kiss do I go for the straight forwad lips or the cheeks, hands, neck or arm I am really confused which one is romantic but not too for a first kisser.


Also should I whisper in a special sweet voice "can i kiss you?" is that good or do I just go for the straight kiss without any expect????


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When you are going to do it, don't ask and aim for her lips. The time should feel right, lean in slow enopugh that she has an idea what you are coming to do, and do it. If she really doesn't want it, you'll know beofre you get there. Like the Nike ad says: Just Do It!

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