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Need advice on dating a friend.

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Ive been friends with this girl for well over a year now. Shes a few years older than me. Our friendship has been great. We have gone a vacations together and had good times. We can talk about anything and have lots of common intrests. I told her how i felt in the past but she was dating someone. recently things have moved from "friends" to more than "friends". she has stayed the night and there was kissing and cuddling but nothing any further. We talked today about it and she said it was weird "dating" her friend. She said that she had to remind her self to show me more affection now that things are diffrent. I feel like she shows plenty. she said in past relationship she never did that but had also never dated a "friend" what can i do to figure this out? i really connect with her and feel great when we are together i just want this to work out.

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Once you've decided where you want to go, make her understand where you stand. Hopefully she'll feel the same way, however she may become distant, but that's a risk you need to take.


She claims not to show much affection and has to remind herself to show more affection. Sorry man, but you should never have to "remind" yourself to show affection if you really have any feelings for someone. It comes quite naturally. Maybe she's co-dependant and just needs someone to be around her all the time. Look carefully and see it from an outside perspective.


Your only other option is to take it slow and see how things progress.

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