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Washing my hands with bleach.

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Hi everyone, thankyou for your kind words and support. Have been to see my doctor and he says that it is ocd, related to my feelings of anxiety and depression. Am trying really hard with not washing my hands with bleach, am using an anti bacterial soap. Thankyou again, has helped a lot.x

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Tulipsfav, I hope you have success with switching from bleach to a soap, however, this needs more than switching the behavior. Have you ever heard of exposure and response prevention therapy? That could be very useful for OCD treatment. I have had OCD for years and let me tell you, it IS possible to get better. There are days worse than others, and vice versa, there are days better than others. But it is possible to get better with this. Just gotta find the right help. I wasn't on medication so it is possible to do this without medication.


x Goodluck

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Tulipsfav, I hope you have success with switching from bleach to a soap, however, this needs more than switching the behavior. Have you ever heard of exposure and response prevention therapy? That could be very useful for OCD treatment. I have had OCD for years and let me tell you, it IS possible to get better. There are days worse than others, and vice versa, there are days better than others. But it is possible to get better with this. Just gotta find the right help. I wasn't on medication so it is possible to do this without medication.


x Goodluck


Hi Sarey, thankyou for your advice. I have not heard of exposure and response prevention therapy, what does it entail? I know what you mean about some days being better than others. I know what i am doing is unhealthy, but its the thought of my hands not being clean. thanks

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I understand that, don't worry. OCD to others may seem completely irrational and "nuts", but to people who have it, it's very real, very rational, but we know it's not right, still, we feel we have to do the compulsions, the obsessive, irrational, intrusive thoughts that just won't budge... I get it totally hun.



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Hope those help explaining.

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