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Showing her im interested... How???

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Hi guys,


I've been trying for the last couple days to show a girl that I'm interested in her as well as trying to get to know her more. But I it's proving difficult she the type that's confident, quaint and attractive she's the sort that knows what she wants. I'm surprised that she remembers my name because when we were sat around in a circle with her friends and a couple that I know she was trying to remember our names and she remembered mine. I saw her today, I tried talking but I chickened out because her friends were around I felt really pathetic afterwards and annoyed with myself. I'm really after any suggestions, advice or tips on showing a girl that your interested in her, overcoming my fear of going up to her and just talking and even getting closer to her. She is everything that I'm looking for in a gf and I really want us to get together, but I'm to shy to do anything. Also I've been having trouble reading her body language I can't really make out anything, it's just so complicated (it's driving me nuts). When it's a group of people it's different because it's everyone talking then the topic is shared but even then I'm having trouble, god I hate myself.


I have had tips on what to talk about, but I'm really after on how to show her that I'm interested in her and any sort of body language that I should be watching out for.


Any advice, suggestions or tips would be grateful,


Thanks everyone .


- whitefang

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Sup Fangy!?

Ill tell you what, s easy to show an intelligent person that you like em. Eye contact is biiiig. Look her in the eyes, not for too long (or else you make her uncomfortable) then smile and look down. When you talk to her, listen to what she says, ask questions about her life what she likes e.t.c respond to what she says by actually thinking about what she said. Most importantly try and spend time with her. Find excuses to walk over and talk to her. To have her attention. There is nothing wrong or uncommon with being shy in your situation not something you should hate yourself over, but if u start to have low self esteem it will onlyhurt your chances. If you have trouble talking about a topic its probably because you focus too much on other people and not about truly applying it to yourself, almost everyone has something to say about everything, just ask yourself a question and answer it. Body language that you should look for that says she is into you, touching her hair, face, showing the neck, smiling, averting her eyes to the ground when u look at her. Hope this helps

-Your pal FISCH

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Hi Fisch,


Thanks for replying to my post. You've provided alot of useful tips and suggestions and covered everything. I try making some eye contact with her but it kinda makes me feel uncomortable doing it (don't know why?). Everytime i pass her i want to smile and say hi but i don't i freeze up and don't do anything, it's becoming really annoying. It's hard thinking of stuff to go up and start talking her about or making some sort of excuse. She's doing a different course at the same college so i only see her at lunch or when im about campus and when i see her she's always with someone. Maybe im trying to hard, i'm trying to push myself to hard into wanting her to notice me im going to end up making a fool of myself. I just want her to notice me... im myself when im around girls and i do have a good sense of humor but it doesn't seem to be coming out when im around this girl, she's a really complicated girl .


Thanks for the advice earlier, much appreciated .


- whitefang

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Go onlin and check out some basics in body language, it sounds cheap, but i've been using this info for years, and the rate of success is almost 100%.

The bonus of this is that you don't actually have to talk to her if you don't feel comfotable. Much of body language can be done at a distance, depending on how you stand, eye contact, preening, positioning, etc.


Try it and good luck!

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Hi chriscarlander,


Thanks for replying to my post. I have been thinking about using body language but it's a bit usless because im not going to see her for a month now. She's on work experience with college for 2 weeks and then there's the Easter hols which im kinda a bit bummed about . If im honest ever since i was turn down by this other girl i've been hating myself but im better now. I have found someone else, who's seems to be far more better but every now and then the other girls name pops into my head. It's pretty obvious why, i still have feelings for her even though im trying to deny to get on with my life. But i like someone new now, she had her chance and she didn't take it, her loss. Anyway im now concentrating on my studies and improving myself as well as the new person who i have feelings for now. Do you have any links that you could suggest for me to take a look at, not that i mind if don't or if anyone has any i'd appreciate it.


Thanks ,


- whitefang

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G'day WhiteFang!


Glad to hear that you've found someone better. You'll get over the other one in time, just take the time! As for the links, I assume you mean body language, so here's some:


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Or just do a simple search on

"body language", basics

"body language", flirting


Good luck and all the best in your new quest!

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Ok, here is a girls perspective. Don't be shy! Girls love a guy that is confident it offers security. Be honest with her and just ask her out. Whats worse getting rejected or the fear of getting rejected. You never know until you try. "BE Confident" and good luck!

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Hi tiff8434,


Thanks for posting, it's just that im too shy when im around girls that i like. I lack confidence in myself and this is where i need to improve but i don't really know how too. I really like her, but i don't really want to rush her into anything that she might not be able to give me a proper answer too. If i want to go out with a girl i'd rather become friends with her, because that's just me every girl that i have gone out with we always made a promise that we would stay friends no matter how the relationship turns out.


Thanks for the advice though, but that's just not me.


- whitefang

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  • 2 weeks later...



Well there's not really that much to update, i have been trying to get closer to this girl but alas i still haven't prevailed so im kind of anoyed with myself. She's confident (or seems to be) when around friends, but she doesn't talk that much which im kind of guessing that she is shy if she is she not doing a good job of hiding it. I suppose that one of the things that i like about her apart from her looks and personality. She's that sort of person that you can bring home to your parents and you know that she's make an impression. I have tried to make eye contact with her but every time she looks i look away and im sure that im not giving her the right impression. We have talked a few times and she remembers who i am and im trying to get to know her friends which should make her feel a bit more comfortable with me know he friends. I don't know i suppose im just scared really just the same as she is (at least i think she is). See this is another one of my problems i think of the worst case senario of any situation that i put myself and never think of the posative and if i do im always expecting more that what im really going to get (i hate when i do this, it's so annoying). Does anyone have an answer to my problem, i am trying but obviously not enough by the looks of it.


Thanks too those who have posted before, thank you ,


- whitefang

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