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Still in no-contact phase but i wanna make things up.. prom?

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Well its like this... I asked this girl out about a month and a half ago... but she rejected me... after that there was no communication between us whatsoever... i felt really down initially and only recently have i overcome the 'rejected' feeling... However, I still like her but I would like to get back to the stable 'friends' level before pushing anything... The prom is coming up in 2-3 months time and i believe she hasn't been asked yet... Would it be pushing the line too much if I asked her to go with me to the prom? Afterall... I haven't spoken to her since rejection day and somehow I don't think it would be right... I don't have to take action right now, but I don't really know what to do...


The no-contact does help you simmer down btw... (lil tip for others who are feeling down )


- lostandfound

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I say ask her, but only if you think you can handle her telling you "NO" again. Go into it with the atitude that she can say yes or no and you will be okay with it. If you can't do that without it hurting you badly then don't do it.


While I understand that you care about this girl, it doesn't sound like you two have a whole lot invested other than just being friends. So nothing ventured is nothing gained.


Just have self confidence. Girls love that in a man!!

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Well.. I never really knew her very well but we began to talk and then i decided to go for it the first time but would this be an opportunity to get back on speaking terms? or would you think the prom is a bit OTT for that... and if so what would break off the no-contact situation?

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