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Me and my girlfriend recently started having sex. We've been using a condom both times, and we didn't go long enough for me to finnish or get even close to release anything. The other day we were doing some foreplay and I kinda went, right, you know. Anyway, a couple hours later I was kinda playing a kinky little teasing game...I wouldn't go in or anything, and I wasn't wearing any protect, it slipped in once but I right away pulled out. Whats the chance of her getting pregnant from this..

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The chances of her getting pregnant from that are pretty slim. There is a possibilty that there was "pre-cum" on you at the time you went "in" and that can contain sperm. You said you fooled around before hand, and sperm can only survive for about 30 minutes outside of the body and up to 7 days inside the body.


I wouldn't worry too much if I were you, I think you're probably okay right now but no one knows for sure. Next time, make sure you use a condom all the time, no matter how long you go in.

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