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Im so lost and confused!!!!!

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this is my first time using this forum, and i already know im lucky to have found it.. so ahead of time i'm going to say thanks to anyone that answers this question.

There is this guy i like very much. and right now circumstances are so confusing its hard to keep track of what's what. This guy knows i like him, and has led me on the begin to think he likes me too. on valentine's day he asked me to be his valentine, and i said yes. but not to long ago, while we were talking, he said he wasn't really interested in anyone, not even implying that we ever even had anything going. i dont want to bring anyhting up, i feel too awkward. i dont know what to say to him and i have no idea how he's feeling right now.

And to make matters WorsE i'm moving away in a few months! HELP Me!!! pleez... i dont know what to do!


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well u can just go talk 2 him about it....its better to just talk and get some closure or maybe hes still interested. anyway...even if hes not its better to know that than to wonder and im 14 too by the way i know it suks wanting to things ur too young to do, being told ur too young for a serious relationship even though u develop feelings for ppl. but when u think about it, uve got a lot more important things to concentrate on. if i dont get the girl i like its not the end of the world....ive got an odd ten years of dating ahead of me so ill just move on....and besides most relationships that will actually last are likely the ones that just sortof happen on their own without having to push it. You may have a guy friend that in a few years ull know well and develop feelings for and even get married or something! theres really no rush. i had this girl ive known for a long time that im getting closer to but we both know that we have many years ahead and dont need to rush into a romantic relationship.

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Yeah, but tis not like that. he keeps hinting that he likes me, but is too shy to say anything. he's always talking to me, and writing these beautiful poems that are about some one he cares and loves. i don't know what to do... ive never felt this way about someone. help me....

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