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is killen myself reallly da answer!~!~!!!

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iight....i feeel liek i dont wanna live n e more...like da world doesnt want me..im sooo upset n sad n e more like all ill do is lay in my bed n cry for no reason n yes ive tired to kill myself a few times but was to scared to go all da way...ive cut my arms up pretty bad but ive stoped but its hard i feel tat times all i wanna do is die..im tired of livin n e more n its scary me alot its likes eatin me up inside....plz can sumone talk to me bout dis or does n e one else feel dis way?¿?¿

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Wow, you sound like me a couple months ago. I'm 15 and I have depression. There's times when I want to kill myself and I've tried one too many times. But in the end, I know it's stupid and it has never gotten too serious. Look, suicide is never the answer. I know how you feel. It feels like the worlds gunna end. Life sucks. Nothing's going your way. You cry and have no idea why. And you want to just end it all really quickly. But think about how you'll be hurting the people around you and the people that you love and that love you back. Not only will they miss you, you could cause them to go through the same things you're going through because you simply gave up. If you love someone, just ONE person, anyone...well, think of them everytime you hold a sharp object up to your wrist. Suicide is not the answer. Life sucks, in general, and trust me, it's just a phase. You'll soon find a reason for living. I'm sure you're better than this. So don't give up, don't go down without a fight, chica. Life gets better and for now, through your depressed times, there's people to talk to and go to. So find a pillow and cuddle with a loved one. You'll get through it. Who knows? You might have depression, too. Well, i'm here for ya. I hope I helped. Bye.

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Hon, I hate to tell you, just because this sounds like SUCH a cliche, but this WILL PASS. Trust me, it will. You know what you're feeling? Your hormones, raging outta control. 13 was the WORST year of my life, and I hated everything, and that lasted until I was 14. But after that, things got SO much better, for no particular reason. It sounds so simple, yet so elusive.....what the hell are these HORMONES? Little bland things floating around in your body that you can't see or feel or touch, yet they affect you so much. I know, I've been there. I hated, hated, HATED being 13-14, it was the worst time.........but I realized that it was a weird phase I was going through that I'd grow out of. And you will too, trust me.


What's upsetting you so much? Parents? Friends? School? Give an answer to that and we can start working on how to solve the problem. But don't give up-give your life a chance to grow and mature and yourself a chance to see what you can become. Don't throw in the towel now, when you've barely experienced all there is out there! And no, I'm not throwing nicey-nice things at you-I was THERE, and remember it clear as day. But my life got SO much better once I was steered in the right direction with the right people, and I was able to sympathize with others who were in my shoes........give us that chance to do the same for you.



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