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I'd say it's safe to assume that you remember my last two topics, well the last one more specifically where I said I was going to ask her out. Well I never did it. Monday I was very busy with work in the classes we share. Well it turns out that she wasn't feeling well that day and was gone until Friday. She was busy getting her makeup work and working on it. I over-heard her talking to a friend of her's about the upcoming prom, she said that she didn't have a date yet. I'd love to go with her, but I don't know how to ask her. You see she and I attend different schools, but share a couple of classes through a program in which the five local schools send a few "select" students to take part in college level programs. Look I didn't plan on going to the prom until I fell for her. I'm a little confused on how I could go about asking her to go with me to her prom.

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hmm... i think you should just ask her straight out, do you want to go to the prom, or something like suggesting that you don't have anyone to go to the prom with, wink wink nudge nudge. so you won't feel so embarrassed just don't forget to smile. it always works

good luck

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