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should I take the next step?

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ok so, this is one of those"does he like me?" questions. i really like this guy in 1 of my classes. i dunno y but jus lookin @ him makes me happy . he's kinda near the teacher so its not hard for me to steal a glance at him. but i think he has noticed me coz our eyes kinda met a coupla times. well, i casually talked 2 him once. he didn't get exited but he did reply in a happy positive tone. he sorta kept the conversation going. but he cud be jus tryin 2 b nice. he looked at me the whole time i was presenting a poster.he offered me his lab stool and the only lab stool in the entire room but that cud b b/c my teacher said that he wud offer it 2 me if he were a gentleman. i made a decision today not to look at him at all: just 2 c if he likes me what so ever.i casually but quickly glanced over in his direction and he was lookin at me. but then it cud b a coincidence and he probably was jus wonderin y i didn't look at him. i am totally confused. from what i cud tell, he's kinda shy. so shud i take a step further? its just that i dont want to be the person 2 do so . i'm kinda shy in these matters 2.what shud i do. sorry, my message is 2 long. but plz reply if u have a solution!!!pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez

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I would bet that he does like you. People onyl make eye contact repeatedly if they are sexually interested (they like you) or the opposite (they hate you or want to fight you or soemthing like that). And they looks they give at these times are very different.


What to do, go talk to him. Ask him questions about himself and about his interests. Keep your intial conversations short, 10-15 minutes max. After one or two, tell him you have fun or enjoy talking to him. If he doesn't get the message, tell him you would like to do it more. If he still doesn't get it and you are gettign eye contact, jsut ask.

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I agree with everything "Beec" said, just to add my two cents, I am nearly in the same situation, but I think eye contact from accross the room is nice, that means they take notice of YOu in acrowd of people, over all the other girls in the room. But, I need more evidence or sumthing.....Does he talk to any other girls in the hall/class?....does he look at a you a repeated amount of times......if the answer is no and yes, you should ask him for his number, or try to get to know him better, even if the answer is yes and yes, you should still do the same, I don't mind the long post I made alonger post under dating and shyness, and under Attraction and Flirting It's titled "I wanna get ta know her, she's beautiful, HELP PLZ" Take some time to look at it if you could.....

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well he dusn particularly talk to grls. there r none around him in 1 of my classes. but there r a couple in my other class with him. i guess he talks to 'em but its either xplaining something or teasing. i talked 2 him once b4 so i dont wanna talk 2 him until he starts up a conversation himself. bsides i'm kinda shy 2 ask his #. another prob is that i'm only 15 so i dont know if my parenz wud let me date. (by the way, we r in the same grade but he's an year older than me. actually everyone in my grade is.)

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