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Has anyone seen the movie, link removed, with Richard Gere and Diane Lane? If so, what are your thoughts? I'm particularly interested in hearing what women think of Diane Lane's character.


This movie struck a chord with me, because it illustrates with shocking clarity that it isn't just those in "unhappy" marriages and relationships who cheat on their significant others. Is it just me, or are women (especially attractive ones) just as bad as men are when it comes to being faithful to their spouses?

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I saw the movie, and I thought it was very unrealistic and vague, but of course this is my opinion. I found it appalling that she did what she did, and the movie never explained WHY.... you are right, she did it for no reason, and they never addressed the reason. She seemed happy with her husband. Maybe she was going through a mid life crisis or something, I don't know, but I agree it left you feeling strange, wondering WHY. And THEN, the fact that her husband defended her in the end and stayed with her.... wow he must have really loved her, or had low self esteem.


I guess that's why it was a movie and not reality, cause I could never see it happening, although stranger things have happened!

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I've seen it. I thought that it had a fake ending. Of course, because it's Hollywood. If I were Richard Gere, I would've dropped her like a bag of ____.


I think that her character personally, was okay. She was kind of plane jane, but beautiful, and a great mom/housewife. She exhibited the true meaning of grace and elegance, except for her infidelity. She shouldn't have cheated, and shouldn't have lied. It's weird how she was portrayed as a "suburban mother, living out her dreams in Connecticut." Conneticut is BEAUTIFUL by the way.


It's like that typical image, or lifestyle that seems so perfect. The movie leaves the viewers questioning, "why mess it up?" I guess the author tried to allude to the fact that rich housewives often feel as though they live in such bubbled up, monotnoous lives, so they need to find some sort of drama to throw their lives out of whack. And when confronted reality, like the guy that she met, that player, (she was a player too), they get all traumatized for being cheated on, and then in the end, they're thankful for still having their husbands around.


It's even interesting how she got all upset and started smoking when he didn't return her calls, because he was out cheating on her. I thought that was silly. But if I had to put up with a boring life like hers, like that cocktail party scene, where her guests were engaged with small talk, and munching on the cookies she baked, I would shoot myself. I'd be like, "people be real here."


I could kind of relate to her on a certain level, but don't find justification in her cheating. I had an ex who tried to hold up a reputation, since he supposedly held a 'prestigious' career, and so he had all of these family dinners a lot of the time, and I could not stand it. His family was highly respected. I hated sitting around and engaging in small talk with people who I didn't know. It was like, if anything happened in our lives, then word would spread among community of people he associated with. It was annoying. Good luck to him. He wanted to move out to a nice, rich, quaint area in CA, and I thought him when I watched the movie. I guess in that case, Diane Lane really needed room to breath. However, she should've known what she married herself into, prior to tying the knot.


It was annoying how the people in the movie were so boring, and their conversations at the party were so fake. I remember having had that experience. If I had a party amongst my friends, we'd be all eating pizza, sipping on Coke, and in our jammies watching a funny movie or something. I'd even go as far as renting out a bouncy house, and blasting up to loud music while we get our exercise. But then again, her husband did have a rep to hold up, since he was a boss of a presitigous firm.


She was truly a Trophy Wife. All except for her actions. The whole movie was twisted. Like the murder scene. It was a bit overdramatized, but I hope that people actually don't live lives like that.


Interesting drama movie. A no-no on the wife's part. [-X She had such a nice husband by the way.


To answer your question, I think that any women, attractive or not, is just as capable of cheating. In fact, the cheating women that I know, are often the ones who are unattractive for some reason. I guess they need to prove it to themselves that the more they get laid, the more attractive they are. They're probably not happy and convinced with just one man loving them.


And among the extremely attractive ones, a lot of them seem to be more commited. At least the ones that I know. I guess it's because their boyfriends pamper them and their relationships are deep, and they were raised with morals.


I think stories like the movie Unfaithful are so typical of routine life. I think that what the writer was getting at is: things don't appear to be what the really are. Family's who try to lead a perfect lives, have a few skeletons to hide. It's important to spice up a marriage by doing fun things, instead of just trying to impress others (Ie- social networking, fancy dinners spent with strangers, and cocktail parties). It's important to spend quality time with those you cherish.


There's this hospital that I will be working at soon, I heard that in the delivery room, a few of the housewives end up delivering someone else's babies. It's sad, but they're typical of the materialistic, snobby, Nellie Gail- housewives! Those pretentious Trix!

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Here are my thoughts on the movie "Unfaithful".........I think that it was very realistic and that it happens all the time, more than we think. When you look at statistics, women are the ones that cheat more than the husbands...and yes, very beautiful women have affairs. Here is the thing..if you really look deep into the movie, if you really think that she was happy in her marriage, than why did she cheat?. It didn't mean that she wanted to leave him.


I believe that even though you are with someone for years, have kids, have a house, have what others might think would be the "perfect marriage" I feel that certain things were missing in the relationship...those excited feelings, that spark...are maybe not there like they used to be and all of a sudden an opportunity comes along and you are swept up in the excitement and not the consequences. She had the "perfect family" but yet, she wanted something more. Those situations only lead to disaster and there are husbands or wives that do love eachother so much that they are willing to work through anything.


I am not for cheating, but I understand why this happens and I think the movie is a good example and I feel that Richard Gear loved her enough and she loved him enough to continue to make the marriage work. Every women has a fantasy and she decided to act it out. If she would have known what it had done to her marriage, she would have never done it.


When I was in college I had to write an article about marriages and cheating and you would be amazed how many unfaithful...good, kind-hearted people make mistakes and cheat in their marriage and the majority were attractive women. Some people are completely satisfied in their relationship and some others are not. Some people might think that they have a pretty good relationship but there are some things missing or the things that once brought you two together are not there like they used to be and you catch yourself seeking certain things and sometimes it is found in other people even though you have no intension on leaving our partner.


Another thing is, women get away with it more than men and that's a fact. Women are very intuative, more than men (sorry) and we have a tendency to catch these things and find out the truth. I think it would be nieve to think that men are just the ones that cheat more and until you are faced with that situation; right or wrong, you will not know. Some people have stronger morals than others.


It is a sad movie and us looking in from the outside can't believe that she would jeopordize a loving husband a wonderful family, but she gave into her desires

and in the end she regreted it because it took that to happen in order for her to see why she married her husband in the first place and why they had a loving family........she took him for granted; something that happens in relationships all of the time.


Those are my thoughts, so if anyone responds, be easy......this is my first time on this site and I am going through some trying times in my relationship.......but that is something I can get into another time.

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