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HAVE TO SEE EX EVERY DAY....so awkward

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Thanks guys for all your input, thoughts and advice. This forum has really helped me realize that I'm not alone (everyone thinks their situation is so extraordinary). I need to find strength somewhere to last through the day....

I go to law school with my ex (of about two months now) so I have to see him everyday in and out of class. He broke up with me becuase of the usual commitment issues, wants to date others, so on and so forth. I now realize that I don't want to be with someone like that, but would entertain the thought of getting back together with him when he finds to strength to try again. The awkard part....since we HAVE to see each other everyday he wanted to stay friends. However, because I was so hurt, sometimes I can't even say hi. Sometimes I feel like talking to him like we used to, and sometimes I can't help but ignore him. The thing is, he doesn't make an effort to even say hi either. Why? Do you think he doesn't care to be friends and that he just said it to make me feel better? Or does he think he's just respecting me by keeping "no contact" with me, although it was his idea to stay friends?


Another question...I know it's best to keep busy and to move on. But what about those times when you have tons of things to say...silly little things...that one would only say to their boy/girlfriend. But, now that they've left you, where do y'all turn to.....


Thanks a bundle.

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I am about to break up with my girlfriend and I see her everyday at school. I know, without a doubt, that she is going to be heartbroken beyond belief and it's going to be really hard. I highly doubt that your ex-boyfriend is avoiding talking to you because he doesn't want anything to do with you, but I think he's just respecting you by trying to allow you to heal before you guys actually do become friends again.


I have no idea, but that's just an assumption of what I would do.


And for as who you can turn to.. just turn to your friends and family. They're the closest people to you.

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I had another tough day today, sometimes it gets better and then I relapse again.


I was sitting by myself today at school just waiting for a friend - I can't even count the number of times my ex just walked by without saying hello or acknowledging my presense. Now I'm beginning to think that he never meant to stay friends. And honestly, I can't go through all the emotional ups and downs of putting in effort to be a good friend to him. But doesn't anyone think it's a waste of a friend - to know someone so well and then put them out of your life completely? Do y'all think I should initiate contact and ask him why he's doing this? I feel I would seem too needy again. Or should I just give up the thought of staying friends, let it be, and reconcile with the thought that he's out of my life completely.


Even worse with being in your ex's class is that we have the same friends, and tonight we're supposed to go out for drinks for a friend's going away party. I don't think I can stand another night of him ignoring me. This is hard.

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