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My daughter is now 11mos old and she likes to hit and bite everyone and everything, I am having a hard time with her because I dont know how to punish her effectivley. I have tryed saying no and holding her hand down but when I let it free she trys to hit agian, And I know slapping her hand which I have done only a few times and works but only for a little while, and its teacher her to hit anyways. She doesnt understand much except no. Does anyone have any ideas

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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A loud firm "NO!" should be enough to startel her and scare her. She will start to naturally go into a .....(arg forgot my pshycology, a state inwhich she avoids doing that something to avoid the thing she doesn't like [being yelled at] )



Perhaps removing her from the person after she hits / bites after being told "NO!" twice might make her stop. If she can't hit or bite someone then I assume she might understand some. (this my personal account. seen this done a few times with siblings)

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Time outs, make them longer as you go, you can even make the time out in a crib, Or on your lap..


My niece has this problem she's age 6...she loves to hit and throw objects, even dishes..(can't wait tell she gets married and hits divorce) *knock on wood*


but my sister started to call time outs, that soon stopped, for a while at least,, until she wised up and she would bring some of the objects with her to the corner and continue to throw them at whomever, smart child...i told my sister to get her into some sport, softball, tennis, or boxing...well it turns out she wanted to be a cheerleader.


she stopped soon after the enforcement of these sittings, you know your winning when they start to cry when you say the magic words


[/i]"Ok your getting a Time Out"[/i]

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hey Jamiegirl

i would take away one of her toys every time she is naughty as a form of punishment and then when she is behaving better give it her back. then she will realise that when is is bad she will loose one and the only way to get it back is to good.

hope this helps

~LJ =;

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My philosophy on trying to get a kids to stop doing something bad, is,


They must be convinced and clear that the reprocusions they will suffer if they choose to hit, must be enough to make them stop and think about whether they will do it or not.


I think you have to find what is really important to her - what really means alot to her. TV, computer, phone, going out to play, special food treats, special time with you, ALL OF THE ABOVE, and let her know that when she behaves inappropriatly, she looses the rights to those things that she enjoys.


The key here is to mean what you say, and DO what you say, and be consistent and very firm.


Another option is to enroll her into karate classes. I've read that kids who hit, do so out of insecurity and disrespect. Karate builds both of those - it gives them a sense of being in control and it teaches respect of others.



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I think that S4il is on the right track, that timeout is an effective way to treat this, but I wouldn't reccomend makeing your lap or her crib the place for it. Those are place she should like to be, sort of like her happy places, and if you make them timeout she'll think she's in trouble every time you hold her or put her to bed. You should try to find another place, like possibly a playpen in another room. Good luck!

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Thanks you for all your replys , well I think the time out thing is a good idea, but i dont know where to put her for a time out I used to have a play pen but we sold it she never used it. I guess I should have waited a little long huh... anyways anymore ideas are welcome and thank you again

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