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we are best friends. i want more....

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if you have seen my other topics you'll know that i love this girl(not putting her name for obvious reasons) she knows how i feel, she has a boyfriend at the mo and wants us just to be "the best of friends". i know she cares for me as a best friend, and when we was in year 6(we are in year 10 now) she liked me more than that. i would like to know if anyone thinks that if she breaks up with her boyfriend, that we could go out? any and all thoughts are welcome.

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What I am getting at is, if all she wants is to be good friends, that's as much potential as will be possible between you, no matter how much more you feel about her.


Best friends is a very different relationship than even dating. My response was trying to get you to think about the difference in feeling that she has for you, compared to what you have for her.

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  • 2 months later...

well i have another question sorda, im in the same situation for me and this girl, its not like we're best friends, but we are friends and do talk to each other and hang out and stuff, but yeah like you dude i want it to be more, and it seems that it would only make sense that since we're such good friends that would only open the door for something like a dating relationship, i really hope that there is at least some chance for me and her, but who knows

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staying bestfriends with this girl is better because ur not going to stay with her forever, right? i mean ur in grade 10 and u still have a lot of things ahead!.. stay friends with this girl...coz if u asked her out and she said yes, u will loss her forever one day..because in my opinion i think that there is no friendship after love!!


so stay friends if u dont wanna loss her later!

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Alright let me tell you something I learned from experience. 99 percent of the time a girl who you thinks you as a friend will always see you as a friend- even if you knew her for many years. See there has to be an instant attraction for her when she sees a guy. When she sees you as a friend than that image will never change for her. You may hold your breath for ever hoping that she'll have a change of heart, but that will do more harm than good- especially the fact that it's eating you inside. I've been a member for awhile at this forum and I always see tragic results when it comes to a friend confessing their feelings to the other. Usually it ends up having the friendship being very ackward. Similary, I've seen many people try to be "friends" after a relationship breakup but eventually end up not even doing that. See, the reason why it is ackward is that it's hard to change their "status" once they are classified by the opposite sex. My advice to you, don't worry about her and just be yourself. Move on because this probably would not work out. Your still young. Love comes unexpectedly so do not worry- you'll find that special person in due time.

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