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I am confused... please read, and help

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Hi Everyone! Well, getting straight to the point, me and my b/f have been going out for a month now, but we have been really technically dating before that... he says that he really cares for me and everything, and I really really care for him. Now, we both decided to have sex..... before the sex, I have given him head about 4-5 times, and everytime he cummed. Now that we have had sex a couple times, everytime I give him head, he doesn't cum! I don't know if that is supposed to happen, but it just kind of worries me. I do what he likes when I give him head, but it is just strange. And off the subject there, we were talking the other day when he was dropping me off, and he said that he loves me, but he isn't in love with me.... I have no effin clue what that means! He said that on a scale from 1-5 in love, his love for me is set at a 2, which to him is pretty high considering we have only been dating for a month... now we both lost our virginities to one another, but I am guessing that didn't boost anything in that category up for him.... because see, if I was to rate my love for him before the sex it would be a 2, after the sex, it is a 3 1/2... How could I get him to love me more? does anyone have any sort of advice for me? Please help me. I really want to stay with him, and I want to make him love me.... please please please! help me! Thanks so much!

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You cant make someone love you. If thats what his feelings for you are then you cant change them, all you can do is 'steer' them in your direction.

Why not try romantic gestures such as candlelit dinners (oh, what a cliche), taking him out to new places or going places that you know he enjoys.

I dont think the whole sex thing is much to worry about, if you are really worried however, just do a search on the net and see what you can find.

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Some people find it difficult to "get off" to head or handjobs after sex. It isn't because you aren't doing it right, it's just because their body has developed a stamina for sex and the former stimulation from head may or may not be enough to make him get off anymore. I hope that makes sense.


I don't know what to tell you about the love thing. You can't make somebody love you more, or less, so you're just going to have to allow him to fall in love with you if that is what you want.

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