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Whats She Tryin To Tell Me???

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ok heres the deal, i met this girl in my math class and we talk occasionaly cuz she sat near me. Now we dont have class together but we talked a long time ago cuz i havent seen her around much lately. Few weeks ago, she came up to me making jestuses and said som stuff but it was confusing what she said. She held my had for a little bit then said bye real quick then went back to her friends. Later in the week i asked her what that was all about but she said she only did it as a joke because so her friends wouldnt be mad at her. i didnt ask why though. and that was the last we spoke. a few times we walked passed eachother but both of us had friends around so we didnt say hi or anything. but this week i was going down the stairs when she was going up along the side of the stair where i was. we both made eye contact before we passed eachother. The weird thing is that after we made eye contact, she quickly looked down and passed me without saying a thing. It was really strange of her since i didnt know why she didnt say hi or anything. I doubt i made her mad cuz she was really welcoming in class. i was really confused and dont know whats up with her. I would of said hi to her anyways but she seemed that she didnt want to talk to me.I like her and want things to go well between us. If you can let me know whats up with this i'd appreciate this. thanks in advance

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  • 1 month later...



i kinda understand ur prob. it sounds like to me that she did liek you but when she played that joke on you she thougth that you would reject her or think that she is a dork for hwat she had done so she doesn't want to make her self look like a fool and say hey or sumthin and u reject her so here is my advice next time you see her in the hall way say hey to her and maybe if the time is right start a conversation with somthin like how was ur day and just start from there and the next time u see her in the hall way start a conversation with her again until u talk on a regular basis and then u can handle it from there!



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